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"Reppy, how do i look" lover asks when she walks down the stairs where rep was waiting at the bottom

"You look absolutely gorgeous my love" rep smiles at her

"DID YOU JUST SMILE?" Fearless interrupted
"Oh she so did" debut continued
"Rep's a softie!" Fearless called out

"Say that one more time and ill burn all your boots and pour the ashes of them all around your room." Rep stared them down and they both quickly scrambled away, theyre boots being their most prized possessions

"Reppy, you gotta be nicer to them, theyre just kids" lover reprimanded

"Sorry my love" she takes lover's hand and kisses it

Midnights run past them and screams
"SOFTIEEEEEE" and laughs while looking for 1989.

Lover notices rep tense up and says "its okay reppy i think shes high" and hugs rep's side and nuzzles her head in her neck

Rep giggles and looks at lover "you're adorable you know that?"

"So you've said before" rep feels lover's smile spread against her neck

"And ill say it forever" rep brushes her hand through lover's hair

"Ugh i want what you guys have" red says as she walks by. "Also never knew you were such a softie rep." She snickered

"What is up with everyone and this "softie" thing today? Its getting on my nerves" rep tells lover

Lover lifts up her head and glances at rep "so you're saying you aren't a softie?"

Rep nods

"I beg to differ! You're so sweet reppyy" lover smiled

Rep's heart melts at the sight of lover's smile and kisses her on the forehead

"Hmm...maybe i am a softie." Rep played with loves hair

"Just for you though my lovely" rep notices a deep shade of pink slowly appearing on lover's face

"Awe are you blushing pretty girl?" And that comment made her blush more and it made her knees go weak

"No.." lover tried to cover up

Rep wrapped her arms around lover and peppers her head with kisses

"I love you" she tells lover

Lover turns so rep places her hands on lover's waist.

"I love you most" Lover tiptoed and connected their lips

"SOFTIE ALERT" 1989 yells from a far

"ALRIGHT THATS IT IVE HAD ENOUGH" rep yelled and started chasing after '89 while lover watched her in awe


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