The Outside

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Lover's POV

Its been a week since we all moved into the eras house, and everyone's kind me atleast, but im still gonna try and make them like me

So, im baking cookies!! Im pretty sure they're all out in the living room right now so i think its the perfect time to present to them my famous chocolate chip cookies.

I was mixing the batter when lorie walked in, lorie was one of the nice ones, she was never mean to me and she knew the others were but she still liked me for me

"Hey lover" she greeted me politely "what are you doing?"

"Im baking cookies!! And im gonna hand them out to the girls, maybe try and make them like me more" and upon hearing that lorie frowns at me, she knows how much it hurts me that theyre so mean to me and they dont like me

All ive ever wanted was for everyone to accept me for who i was. Everyone thinks im Too bubbly, too happy, even too nice and apparently those are bad things?

"You dont need to go out of your way to please them lover" she told me

"I-i know its just, something nice" i go back to mixing my batter, abit harder now and folklore reluctantly walks away

After the cookies are done, i take them out and i put them on my favorite tray, it was pink and had pink plaid patterns on it, it was so cute and jt used to be my mom's

I brought the tray out to the living room and i presented it to the girls

"Hi guys! I made some chocolate chip cookies for you guys"

"We dont want your fucking cookies thunder thighs" midnight told me..not gonna lie that kinda hurt. I was always insecure about my body and the way she pointed it out was just mean

"Yeah sunshine take your cookies somewhere else" 1989 roller her eyes

"But i made them for you guys" i still tried to smile

Midnights stood up infront of me

"We, do not want your stupid ass cookies lover, and you sure dont need them, maybe consider eating abit less" she looked me up and down in disgust and i wanted to cry

"I- uh-" i tried to say something but i couldnt, next thing i knew she smacked the tray out of my hands and the cookies fell on the floor and the tray fell with it, i was still processing it until i heard a shatter on the ground

I quickly look down and i look at it, its broken.
T-that was my moms..i felt tears in my eyes as i bent down to pick up the pieces

"Whale legs" red said as she walked passed me and high fived 1989

"lets go guys, leave her here to clean the mess SHE made" midnights said and everyone left

I got onto my knees and i slowly pick up all the pieces, with my tears falling to the floor as i sobbed

"Lover?" I looked up and it was reputation

"are you here to make fun of me too" i asked her, then i realized she wasnt in the living room earlier. I expected her to be mean, cause she had a reputation for that

"You're gonna hurt yourself like that, dont pick it up with your hands" she gently took my hands and took the shards away from me

"i dont care about that" i sit and lean against the couch's side

"What happened here? Why are there cookies on the floor and why are you cleaning up broken pieces?" She asked as she sat beside me

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