Spiral pt 3

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"im gonna take you somewhere my love. Okay?"
Rep asked me, and i nodded as she led me to the wired fence outside the school building

"where are we going reppy?"  i asked her quietly, not really in the mood to talk anymore

"You'll see" she told me and continued walking, but she stopped abruptly when she reached her destination. I didn't notice cause i was staring at my shoes the whole time

"we're here babe" she gently lifted my head up to get me to look around

it was a lake, that was nearby the school, id never been here before but it was beautiful

There was wisteria growing over the water, all sorts of flowers all around

"its beautiful rep, but why'd you bring me here?" I asked her quietly

"Sit down lover" she said as she laid a rug on the ground so i sat

"what's going on love?" She tilted her head as she asked me and i could tell her face was full of worry

"I- " i didn't know what to say. I didn't want to lie, but i didn't want to tell her either

I just stared at the lake thinking of what i was gonna say to rep until she pulled me into a hug.

and thats what it took for me to break. I melted into her arms and started sobbing into her shirt, probably dirtying it a little from the mascara

She didn't say anything she just rubbed my back and rocked us back and forth until my crying slowed down

"you want to talk about it love?" she asks gently and i nod against her shirt and start to pull away

"shit im sorry about your shirt reppy i didnt m-
I sniffled but she interrupted me

"Hey, hey its alright love its just a shirt. so whats going on?"

I hesitate a little but when i glanced at her face it  had no traces of annoyance or anything, just worry.

"its- its too much reppy, i cant do this anymore its too much" i looked away from her and started picking on my arms

"Dont do that love, you're gonna hurt yourself" she lifted my hand away and intertwined it with hers

"doesnt matter anymore" i told her

"lover tell me whats going on in that pretty little head of yours" she pulled me into her arms and wrapped them around my frame

"dont make fun of me, this could sound kind of stupid if i say it out loud" i whispered

"i would never my love" she whispered back

"people in school make fun of me"i mumbled under my breath

"What?" She asked sternly "For what?"

"how i look. my body, my weight everything. And i cant keep it together anymore. Im trying reppy i really am. They told me that you wouldnt be with someone like me because of how i looked so i started to skip a few meals here and there but that turned into just- not eating..for a few days and i can barely stand up without needing to hold on to something sometimes and i just- i cant keep up to their standards no matter how hard i try and it hurts rep, it fucking hurts but they think its so funny to joke about. they keep calling me names when i walk pass the hallways, just this morning someone told me "reputation doesnt like you, you whale"  and because of this whole thing i let my grades slip and my dad- i dont even know whats going on at home its just a mess, he made me feel so worthless rep. and it wasnt just his words this time rep- he hit me."

When i finished telling her everything i was crying again but there was a moment of silence before she speaks up

"lover." She said in a serious tone and grabbed my shoulders so she could push me away from her to face her

"He hit you?" Her eyebrows furrowed and i nodded, my eyes darting away from her electric blue ones

She held my face to have a closer look and there was a slight redness on my right cheek

"that fucking bastard. no one can lay their hands on you like that. And just because of what? Grades? i will hunt-

"no its alright rep." i smiled the tiniest bit, seeing her so protective of me made me feel safe

"It is not alright love. Nobody gets to touch you like that if it happens again i will do something about it. and lover, i love you. i love you for you. Not your body. For the record, you look like a goddess and i can worship you forever. And i will. You make me a better person love, your cheery smile and your gorgeous, gorgeous eyes i could stare into for the whole of eternity. Theres no one i'd rather be with."

i stared at her in awe

Ive never felt this feeling before in a person, this comfort and safety

"i love you reppy" i pecked her lips

"i love you pretty girl" she whispered to me

I felt safe, safe in her arms. Safe with her. Im her girl and she's mine.

Sorry guys ending was kinda rushed cause i wanted to get this story over with

Im sooo tempted to write a lovertation book guys THERES NOT ENOUGH LOVERTATION HERE. Either lovertation or all the eras

I genuinely think ive read all lovertation books. If u have any recs please PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME


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