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"Why are u talking like that lover." I asked her

"This how i speak to people i dont know, im leaving now reputation." And she left the house.

i fucked up. i fucked up so bad.

I drank. I fucking drank even though i swore to her. I swore i would never do it again. It always scares her when i drink

I dont even know what got over me.

One second i was in control and the next i wasn't, it was like i snapped

I might not know what happened but i know i need to find lover

I go to the table and i picked up my phone and rang her

No answer? Shit.

I call her another 13 times before i gave up and started brainstorming where she could have went

My watch read 1:13 am. Lover is out right now and its literally 1 in the morning , what the fuck do i do? Maybe i should text to see if any of the girls know where she could have gone

My hands were shaky as i typed out the message but i managed

The Eras

Guys do you know where- 🖤
Lover could be?

💚- me and fi havent seen her
Why did something happen?

I just need to know-🖤

🩵- she isnt with me and middy hasnt seen her either


I turned off my phone and got in the car and started going to places lover would go, but
About 30 minutes into my search, i heard sirens.

I looked at the scene infront of me and it was a pink convertible that had ran into a lamp pole, with an ambulance beside and there were paramedics pushing a gurney out of the it in a rush

I read the license plate




please tell me im seeing things.

i get out of my car and ran towards the crash

The closer i got the clearer it became but i felt my eyes become blurry when i say the sight of lover on that gurney.

"Maam step aside" the paramedic told me

"Please im her girlfriend!" I sobbed and begged

"Let me go with her please." I needed to be with her

This was all my fault.

"okay you can get on the back" the paramedic sighed

I quickly thanked him and rushed into the ambulance

when i got into the car the sight of lover absolutely shattered me. she was unconscious and she was bleeding in multiple places

"I- is it bad?" I asked

"She's unresponsive right now but it looks pretty serious." The paramedic replied and i just felt worse. I wanted the earth to swallow me whole.

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