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Rep's POV

I pull my hair in frustration and slam my notebook close, it seems recently i havent been able to write like i used to and i dont know why

"reppy?" I hear lovers voice and it calms me a little

"hey baby" i pat the space next to me but instead of sitting next to me she straddled my lap and wrapped her hands around the back if my neck

God she's gorgeous.

"You alright reppy? You sounded stressed" she tilted her head like a little puppy

"Just a little..i cant seem to find the words i want to write" i admitted to her

"Hmm..lets see what we can do about that..maybe clear your mind a little..give you some new inspiration " she smirked and started playing with strand on my hair

"I like the sound of that" i grinned at her

"Yay! Lets go on a walk!" Darn.

Before i could protest she pulled me from the couch

She put on her shoes and i out on mine too, i held her hand and we walked out

"look over there! Theres swings! Reppy wanna go on the swings with me?" Lover beamed

How could i say no to that face?

"Alright lets go my love, ill push you" i told her and smiled

She giggled and and took my hand to lead us to the swings

God im so in love i might stop breathing

Lover's laugh brightens my day,
Lover's eyes brightens mine,
Lover brightens me.

I push her on the swings as she giggles

"Higher!" She squealed

"Whatever you need baby" i smiled and pushed the swing

After a while lover got tired so we went to get ice cream

"Lover youve got abit of something on your nose"
I giggled

She wiped blindly at her nose but she didnt get the spot
"Did i get it?"

"No, here let me help you" i took a napkin and wiped the ice cream of her nose and stared into her eyes for awhile

"Why you lookin at me like that reppy?" She tilted her head

"you're just so pretty my love" and she blushed so hard she looked like a tomato, but it just made my heart melt even more

"stopp youre making me blush" she hid her face in her sweater

I pulled her sweater down and told her that she looked cute

"I love you so much reppy"

"I love you too baby"

I realize that my chapters mostly all end in the same way..even in my taylor x fem reader story..


This is insane 3 chapters in two days

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