Chapter 7:Wanted

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I woke up and looked at my surroundings. I'm strapped to an examination table, next to the one Morgan is strapped onto. We are both still in our ghost form and trapped in what looks like a lab, but it doesn't look like Vlads'.

I tried to remember everything that happened before everything went black. I remember Morgan getting kidnapped, me flying to Vlads' mansion, and seeing.... Morgan laying unconscious with bruises all over. My anger kept rising and rising. WHAT DID HE DO TO HER?!?!

"Huh? Danny what's going on?" Her voice was froggy.

"Vlad captured us, but the reason why is something I've been trying to figure out." I say squirming, trying to break the dark brown, tough straps. They won't budge and I can't phase through them.

"Don't worry, we'll figure a way-" She cut me off.

"Shh, I hear someone coming." She whispered.

"Ahh, you two are finally awake."  Vlad said, coming through the door.

"What do you want Vlad?"  I asked, lifting up as far as I could before the restraints would block me.

He starts to walk towards me and bends down by my side with me glaring at his every move.

"Oh little badger, Why must you always assume I want something?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because we are arch-enemies and you are constantly trying to ruin my life."

"Also you kind of kidnapped us and strapped us to examination tables." Morgan added.

"She has a point." I agreed.

"But see, your wrong. It's not what I want, but what they want." Vlad spoke just as the GIW(GuysInWhite) come through the ceiling, sliding down ropes.

He came close to my ear and whispered "And they want to know how you and this girl are the way you are, who knows what they will do to you. With you gone the town will be left unprotected, not that anyone will notice. C'mon, you didn't think you were actually good at this hole hero act anyway. Your just a worthless little kid."

Oh god, what are they going to do to Morgan and I? Was all that true? Would the town really just forget about me like I was nothing?

I was broke out of my thoughts by a GIW agent grabbing ahold of my two arms. I look over and see another agent holding Morgan as she squirms and kicks to break free of his grip.

As they start to carry us to the van, Morgan looks over to me fear in her eyes.

'Phase' I mouth to her. I direct her with my eyes to look at my hand as I counted down using my fingers.

Three, Two, One.

We both phased through them and flew in the sky, dodging their many ectoplasm rays they shot from their jets.

"Morgan, look, we can hide in those woods." We went intangible and dove into the woods making it impossible for them to find us. We both went visible and sighed simultaneously.

"That was really brave of you." Morgan spoke and stood on her tippy-toes to give me a kiss on the cheek.

My cheeks turned a bright red and burned with heat. "I-It was nothing." I tried to play it off cool. -----------------------------A/N Hey loves! So sorry it took so long, but here it is!! whew, that was a close one with Danny and Morgan. Where are they gonna go? Will they never be able to go hone again? Please vote and comment what you thought about his chapter and if you have any questions feel free to ask. It really makes me happy to see all my readers feedback. P.S. If you haven't already please follow me. I a lot of times post stuff about the books so you have to be following me to get notified. I will be updating all the other chapters names too but no changes to the actual story. Bye :)

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