Chapter 2: Missing Me pt.2

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"Sorian my boy, you are such a handsome," his hand creeps lower, making me sick to my stomach. "Pure...and innocent boy..." his hand slowly creeps down my waist and lower. I wanted to throw up and burn his hand off. I bite my tongue as I watched him with an uninterested expression. My gaze stares back into his beady rat-like eyes, and his mouth curls in an ugly grin as he removes his meaty hand and shoves it back in his pocket. He starts walking around me like a vulture, eyeing his prey, "We have a pretty black rat coming in and she's going to be...definitely the play toy of many." His nauseating laugh feels the room as my body grows more rigid. This can't be, another one? They killed the last girl, making me bury her.

"W-why..." My voice was hoarse and small. Gone was the hope and light, I have been here for 3 years, and I knew that my chances of leaving had left once they broke me. A sharp pain spreads across my left cheek. I tumble slightly, feeling wet moisture slid down my face. I remain still and kept my gaze dim. A reaction was what he wanted, and I would not give him anything else, for they already taken everything. That made him angrier as he clicked his tongue and walked closer to me. He gripped my chin roughly making me look into his crusted red eyes.

"Don't question me, ugly-ass bastard, we saw her, and we wanted her. Planned the whole thing. Stalked her home for almost a month, and then like a deer, we trapped her. Quite a beauty is she, she'll be easy to break..." as soon as he finished, we heard the van roll up on the graveled pavement. He smiles, almost like a slimy eel and he roughly gripped my arm as we make our way to the entry way.

The place looked like a normal home, on the outside it was big and had acres of land. It was secluded enough, to unmotivated the kids from running away and the neighbors not to get too nosy. However, there was a dungeon like basement where kids would stay and different room areas where kids were dragged into so the adults could have their fun with them. Some kids die the first night, some later. Those who fight are fed to the dogs and those who cry too much where killed, chopped down, and fed to the pigs. Those like me, who's been here for a while, were the helpers or usually sold somewhere else, I was still here because I was useful and smart. They needed someone who didn't talk much, and didn't cry, whine, or fight back.

As we make it the front, Sanders hop out the van with an award-winning smile like he won the lottery or something. Willis the man holding my arm and few other men with their helpers all were in the front to greet the unfortunate girl who had to come here.

"Y'all, meet the black beauty of tonight. She is at a ripe age of 10 and as succulent as the juiciest fruit." I grimace, but recovered my expression and gave a flat look. I hated the way they introduced every new incomer. It was grotesque and made my insides feel so heavy. The men laughed and looked at the back of the van like a bunch of ravishing wolves awaiting their next meal. The girl would be assigned to a helper, and if the helper didn't help, she was a free for all.

Sander opens the door, and there she was. Her curly hair in a disarrayed puffy bun, a few strands sticking out here and there. Her two-piece swimsuit covering all her important areas, but not enough for the adults not to stare at her with lust. Her mismatched eyes full of fear and terror as she looks around at us. A surge of protection ran through my veins, but there was nothing I could do. I was a 13-year-old boy who looks like a walking corpse. I couldn't do anything but stare. Sanders roughly pulls her up and rips the duct tape off her mouth. She hollers and everyone laughs except the helpers.

"HELP ME! PLEASE SOMEON-AHH" Sanders slaps her in the mouth, blood trickling from her lips. He grabs her roughly by the bun making her wince in pain.

"HeLp Me," he mocks, "Look around darling, do you see anyone here that is going to help." Her eyes waver as she looks around and she looks in my eyes and I look in hers.

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