Chapter 4: What am I missing?

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*Slight mention of blood, but nothing graphic. Don't forget to comment and vote please! Love you all*

He's staring at me.


His gaze taunts me as if he knows the very secrets I search for, no, I yearn for. His eyes never leave mine, even as Meredith blabs her mouth of the already known backstory of Haneul. My chest feels heavy, almost like someone is pressing against my heart, slightly squeezing it. His silk raven hair softly touches his shoulder as he pulls off a lose yet professional man bun. His gray suit highlighted by black accents, reminding of a gray cloud barely covering rays of moonlight. I gulp slightly, the scarf feeling a little tighter and my mask a little warmer.

"Mr. Nam, can you share with us what inspired your business?"

 My voice calm and cool. Yes, it was a generic question, however, we needed to get this ball rolling and the only way we could do that is if we ease him into relaxing and spilling.

His eyes glimmered with slight annoyance, but it never held, and his eyes went back to something almost void and empty.

"Well Ms. Williams, straight to the point I see."

 He chuckles slightly, uncomfortable I can gather by the way he looks off to the side and his shoulders tense. He immediately stops when my expression doesn't give off any sign of humor. His expression sobers and his gaze flickers, almost as if he was revisiting a distant memory.

"Well, when I was a young boy, I had an easy childhood..." Lies.

"And one day I came across a girl who was in bad shape..." True.

"I didn't know what to do so I called for help with no avail..." Lies.

"So, I remembered a healing remedy that my halma used to make..." True.

"And then, it flew off from there, the girl was able to heal quickly and the bam here I am, CEO of Haneul healing tonics."

Both lies and true.His answer was webbed with lies and truths, that it made my head spin. When he lies, he tends to tap his right index finger lightly on the table; when he tells the truth he stops and sighs. I look at Meredith and Adrian, who looks half convinced and bored. 

Adrian clears his throat,

"Sir, it is important to tell us the truth," 

Mr. Nam rolled his eyes and gave a curt nod. Adrian, slightly offended, just sighed.

"You said you had an easy childhood, but there were reports of you not being on record for a good chunk of those "childhood years..." almost three years to be exact." 

Adrian smirked, it was a condescending one, "care to explain where you were during those times? Because ironically enough, after those three years, there were no records of you, nada, zilesh, but here you are yearrrssss later, you of all people, all of sudden have a business that is thriving at 28?"

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