Chapter 3: Missing you

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"Mr. Nam, you have a meeting with Avanna Williams and her crew, tomorrow at 12:00pm sharp sir," my personal assistant's chirpy voice rang out in the crisp atmosphere of my office. I visibly tense at the mention at the name of Avanna Williams. Such a powerful name that even has the greatest politician shaking in their boots. Her and her team have been the powerhouse of the great journalist company, Rune. Ironic since, it means secret and all they do is expose everyone else's secrets. Avana created the company Rune in order to expose anyone who had the misfortune of meeting her. From what I have heard, her past is on lock, and no one knows where she spawned from. However, the public are extremely divided by her. Some say she is doing a favor to this wicked society and others say she is sleeping around getting information. Then again, there is a rumor that she is lesbian because no one seen her with any men or women for that matter. I could care less, but I'm wondering why I am her next target. My past has been on lock down and the only person who knows about it is Javier and obviously the police.

I don't know what she wants from me, but whatever she will try to sniff and find out will be shut down immediately. I roll my eyes and pinch my nose, releasing a loud annoyed sigh.

"Who even approved of this Penny? I know I sure the hell didn't." My voice came out cold and tense, I didn't care. I don't want to meet a woman who has the potential to ruin me. I mean I make healing balms and other healing remedies; how does that even scream fishy? This couldn't be good, and I swear someone in this stupid world is testing me.

" did sir," I glare, and she shifts under my weighted gaze.

"What do you mean, I did?" I rack my brain and I'm winding up, with you guessed it, nothing.

"Last week sir, I told you that a journalist was wanting to meet you to discuss your flourishing business and-" I hold up my hand, her talking was starting to make my head throb. I sigh again and rub my face in irritation. I hardly remember that conversation, I got too preoccupied over the weekend and can't remember much of last week.

"Okay, so let me get this straight, you knew about who the journalist was, as well as their motive, and yet you did not care to tell me? Penny if this meeting fails, your name card and your dignity will be taken from you, do I make myself clear?" I left no room for argument, and she gave me a slight nod with a blank expression. She stood tall still, like my words didn't even mean shit to her. I respected her in that sense, she was a strong woman, one of many reasons why I hired her. She kept her black grayish hair in a tight bun and always wore business formal without missing a beat. She was professional and kept me on my toes, she knew that at the end of the day my threat was empty, and she would always have a place here, unfortunately.

"Yes sir, I do apologize, I will take that into account. Now, should we discuss about the next upcoming project?" She had a knowing glint in her eye, and sighed again more dramatically than before, doing a solid spin in my chair. I hated doing reports, projects, etc. Hence, why I had her, to basically do all the grunt work, but no, she believes adding me to it and having me control each project and reports will be "beneficial to my business." Her words not mine. She knew I hated this and was her respectful of getting back. I couldn't even get mad, because at the end of the day I am the CEO of this company. Just my luck, all this started on a pipe dream and a haunted memory.

"Fineee, let's get this shitshow on the road, why must you torture me Penny? Isn't this your job?" She rolls her eyes and shrugs as she approaches my desk.

"Mr. Nam, we both know that this is needed for the company to thrive, and we both know that it is what?" She looks at me expectingly.

"Beneficial to my business," Joy nowhere to be found as she plops down across from me and pulls out papers with numbers, words, and graphs galore.

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