Chapter 10: Not everything is as it seems

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Shaivi's POV

"This is the list of all the attendees from the party." Sharma ji says as he places a file on my desk. I smirk at him. Was making him babysit Anmay a petty move? Yes. But he deserved it for trying to dig into my feelings back at the hospital. But I needed him here. What we knew till now was that someone had bribed our cook to poison the drink. The questions now were who, and why?

"Thanks." I open the file and begin to go through it. It was mostly the same people. Commissioner of police, politicians, media personnel, mafia heirs, movie stars, and fellow business persons. All powerful and smart enough people. No one of them would dare hurt a Raisinghania in their own home.

"Hey, look at this." Sharma ji pointed out. The name seemed familiar. Urmi Roy. My ex-best friend, who supposedly was a plus one for some J.B. Pant.

"You think she had a hand in this?" I cock up an eyebrow. I admit, our fallout was messy, but would she stoop so low as to hurt Anmay?

"I mean, she has the motive and the means." He shrugged. "She was also one of the only people close to your drinks at the party. I'd say you cannot rule this possibility out."

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. How the hell could I be this stupid? "Right. I'll chase this one. You had the chance to break the cook yet?"

"Not yet." Sharma ji sighed. "He's one loyal dog. Our men beat him black and blue, but he didn't reveal anything. But don't worry, we'll get him to talk by hook or by crook."

I nodded, grabbing my keys. "I'll pay Ms. Roy a visit then."

I made my way into the office of J.B. Pant. From what my team had managed to dig up on him, he was a sleazy old man with even older views. His career as a 'film director' had been mediocre at best, and he was a big blabbermouth. And I was supposed to act as if I was here to want to 'produce' one of his so-called 'masterpieces'. But I wasn't here for him, I was here for his supposed girlfriend Urmi, who had somehow been assigned the role of his receptionist. She looked tired and uninterested as she handed me a file without even looking at me.

"Fill this." She muttered in a monotonous tone, her eyes glued to her phone.

"I'm afraid I'm not here for an audition. I'm here for a production deal, and a chat with you, Ms. Roy."

Her eyes shot up to meet mine, wide and embarrassed. "Shaivi Raisinghania, to what do I owe the pleasure?" She gave me a sickeningly sweet smile, and I nearly gagged. Did she really think I was dumb enough to forget what she did?

"We need to talk. Now." My tone booked no opposition. Her smile faltered a bit, but she stood up nonetheless. "There's an empty conference room here. I'm sure Mr. Pant won't mind us."

I followed her as she led me to the conference room, my hands in my pockets. Painful memories from the past flooded my mind. Back when I was just a kid, she and I had been inseparable.

She was my best friend, my confidant, and the one person who I shared everything with. Hell, my whole world just revolved around us. Until she messed it up.

"Come on in." She opened the door, and I walked in. The room smelled of artificial cleaner, and I had to hold back from crinkling my nose. Funnily enough, I didn't see any cameras.

"What can I get you? Tea? Coffee?"

"How about we start with the truth, hmm?"

I could see the color drain from her face. "What?"

"The truth, Urmi. Let me jog up your memory. Last week, there was a party at my place. You had come as a plus one for your boss. At that party, my husband-" I made sure to emphasize the word. "-collapsed after taking a sip of the drink. Funnily enough, you were one of the very few people around Anmay at the moment, close enough to the table. One might argue that you slipped him anything. Care to defend yourself?"

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