Chapter 4: Rights and Wrongs

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Shaivi's POV

Tehrvi is a ceremony conducted by Hindus to mark the final day of mourning after a death. It is a day to remember the deceased and pay our respects. Except, my uncle decided to throw a party. Yes, a goddamn party. Why? 'Because, Shaivi, this is what your baba would have wanted.' was my uncle's answer. Did I agree? Hell no. Did I still have to go through with it? Yep.

"Breathe, Shaivi. You won't do any good if you pass out at your first event as Saheb." My best friend, Naira Das mutters, passing me a flute of champagne. I down it in one go, earning dirty looks from Mr and Mrs Sharma. Naira continues,

"Now, I know you're still getting over Rai Saheb's loss, but you need to get it together, okay? Your people, my people, we both need you."

I sigh knowingly. The Raisinghanias were in charge of all the guns and ammunition that ran throughout the country, while the Das' handled the drugs. Both of us had to work hand in hand to secure each other.

"I'm fine. I am. It's just-" I glance back at my drunk uncle laughing unnecessarily loudly. "I wish we could honour him more respectfully." I look back to see her glaring at the approaching Zunair Khan, the heir to the Khan mafia from Jammu. Zunair looks extremely dapper in his three-piece suit, his dark hair perfectly slicked back. A notoriously handsome man, with a big bad reputation. His emerald eyes, lined by kajal, scan me from head to toe.

"Pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Raisinghania. Although I was hoping it would be under better circumstances."

He took my hand and kissed it, his lips barely grazing my skin. "Mr. Khan, nice to meet you too." I nodded, freeing my hand from his grasp. I didn't have time for playboys now... or ever.

"Ms. Das, looking gorgeous as always." He winked at her, and Naira looked like she was about to throw up.

Our awkward conversation was halted as I heard my cousin Akanksh yell out.


Every single pair of eyes in the room landed on him. Some poor waitress had spilled a bright blue drink all over his Louis Vuitton suit, and he was not happy about it.

"Do you even know how expensive my suit is? 10,000$! And you, you ruined it, you unworthy b-"

He lifted his hand to strike the woman, but his hand was held by another waiter. The room fell silent. The other waiter, a young man, spoke,

"It was an honest mistake, sir. You don't need to get physical."

Akanksh saw red. He threw the glass in his hand on the floor, grabbing the waiter by his collar.

"You dare stop me, you scoundrel! I'll have you killed, you hear me! I'll scatter your pieces so far and wide that no one will be able to find them!"


"Look at the audacity of this one! Daring to look me, the Akanksh Raisinghania in the eye! I'll-"

I had enough. If I didn't stop this idiot, he'd let the secret out, and everything would be ruined. I stepped in, placing a hand on his forearm.

"Enough, Akanksh. I'll take it from here."

"But Didi-"

"I said I'll take it from here."

He let the waiter go, before storming off to the other side of the house.

"You, follow me," I command to the waiter, who mutely follows.

Once were were out of earshot, I pinned him with a glare.

"What's your name?"

He looked to the floor, stuttering nervously.

"Anmay... Anmay Kohli, ma'am."

"Look up at me when I talk to you," I warn, and his eyes shoot up to meet mine. "Anmay, what you did today was unacceptable. It was an insult to my guest. I hope you understand that."

His eyes widened in fear, his hands shaking.


"Don't talk unless I have finished speaking to you," I warn, and he shuts up.

"Good. Now, like I said, it was unacceptable and downright rude. But-" I paused, watching him squirm. "It was also very brave, and chivalrous. I appreciate that."

He nodded, wringing his hands.

"Which is why I have decided to forget it ever happened."

The relief was present in his eyes as he mumbled 'Thank you ma'am' over and over again.

"Now go. And do not cause any scene at the party again. If something goes wrong or if Akanksh tries to come to you again, you contact me. Got it?"

I hand him my card. I shouldn't have, but I knew Akanksh. He was one hot-headed idiot, and I didn't want this innocent man to die over it.

He nodded, before heading back to the party.


A few hours later

"Shaivi! Open the door." I could hear my uncle's voice as he pounded on the door to the study. I rolled my eyes, before opening the door. I was surprised to see him, Sharma ji, and the family lawyer there. The three men entered the room with various expressions. Sharma ji was concerned, the lawyer nervous, and my uncle.... happy?

"What's the matter?" I ask, sitting back in my chair.

"It's regarding the mafia, Saheb." The lawyer began. "As you see, the mafia is supposed to be inherited by the male heir-" He pointed the clause out on a document, and I froze. Baba had no sons, only me. That would mean that the mafia would have to be handed to my uncle. That's why that man was happy. No way-

"So after Rai saheb, the actual head would have been his son, who does not exist. The next male kin would be Mr. Chirag Raisinghania" The lawyer continued, and I could feel my uncle's grin getting wider by the minute.

"But, if we are to go by the will written by Saheb, that is Raichand Raisinghania, the mafia is now the property of his grandson, who will be borne someday by his daughter."

I swear I could hear a pin drop in the room. My uncle's face took an ugly shade of red, while Sharma ji looked relieved.

"An heir!? what kind of bullshit is this? Shaivi isn't even married yet!" Chirag Raisinghania's voice bellowed through the room.

"Who says she isn't?" Sharma ji spoke, and all of us looked at him, shocked. "Shaivi is married. She got married in secret in London. A small, basic ceremony, so Rai Saheb didn't wish to make it public."

I looked at him like he had two heads. Why the hell was he lying? He slowly signalled me to play along, so I did.

"Y-yes... I'm married."

The lawyer sighed, "If that is the case, then the possibility of the heir who is a blood relative of Rai Saheb is also possible. So, until said heir is born and completes 21 years of age, Ms. Shaivi can very well handle the mafia."

Chirag uncle looked pissed. "This isn't right! 'The possibility of an heir? You're all lying! I will take back what's mine, you hear me!"

He stormed out of the room, and the lawyer followed.

Sharma ji shut the door after them, before grabbing me by the shoulders.

"Listen to me, Shaivi. Come what may, we cannot let the mafia fall into his hands. He's a corrupt man. We cannot let your Baba's hard work go to waste."

I nod, still shaken. A million thoughts ran through my head. "Where the hell do I get a fake husband from?"

He paced around the room before he had an idea.

"I have someone in mind..."

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