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Chapter 6: The Heat Intensifies

Scene 1: A Scheme Unfolds

The next morning, Hana approached her locker with a sense of dread. The memory of Heeseung's smirk from yesterday was still fresh in her mind. As she fumbled with her combination lock, she noticed a piece of paper tucked into the crevice of her locker door. It had Heeseung's unmistakable handwriting sprawled across it.

"Dear Hana," it read. "Your so-called 'impressions' on Romeo and Juliet are utterly flawed. Meet me in the library at lunch if you're brave enough to discuss it further. Or are you too scared to face the truth?" That's one way to let your project partner know about it.

Hana crumpled the note, her irritation bubbling over. She'd had enough of Heeseung's games. Determined not to let him get to her, she tore the note into pieces and tossed them into the trash bin. But her resolve wavered when Jisoo caught sight of her fuming.

"What's got you so riled up?" Jisoo asked, curiosity evident in her tone.

"Just another day with Mr. Perfect," Hana snapped, her frustration clear. "He's up to his usual nonsense. He left me a note, challenging me to a debate."

Jisoo raised an eyebrow. "A debate? Over Romeo and Juliet? Sounds like he's really trying to get under your skin."

"More like he's trying to make me lose my mind," Hana muttered. "I'm so done with him."

Despite her words, Hana found herself seething with a mix of annoyance and reluctant curiosity. She wasn't about to back down now.

Scene 2: The Library Showdown

When lunch arrived, Hana marched to the library with purpose, her steps echoing against the silent walls. She spotted Heeseung already seated at their usual table, his feet propped up on the chair, looking far too comfortable.

As she approached, Heeseung greeted her with a mock bow. "Welcome, Hana. I'm honored you could join me."

Hana rolled her eyes. "Cut the theatrics, Heeseung. I'm here to get this over with."

Heeseung's grin widened as he gestured to the chair across from him. "Please, have a seat. Let's continue our intellectual sparring match."

Hana sat down, trying to ignore the way Heeseung's eyes sparkled with mischief. "So, what's your brilliant argument this time?"

"Glad you asked," Heeseung said, leaning forward. "I'm convinced that Romeo and Juliet's so-called 'true love' was nothing more than teenage infatuation, and they'd have crashed and burned even if their families weren't at odds."

Hana's eyes narrowed. "You're seriously going to stick with that ridiculous notion? Their love was genuine. The feud only amplified their desperation to be together."

"Or maybe it was just an excuse for their reckless behavior," Heeseung countered, leaning back with a smirk. "Let's not forget, they didn't exactly make the most rational decisions."

Hana took a deep breath, fighting to keep her composure. "Are you trying to convince me or yourself? Because this whole 'Romeo and Juliet are just stupid teenagers' act is getting old."

Heeseung's grin didn't falter. "I'm just trying to point out that love isn't always the grand, poetic thing people make it out to be. Sometimes, it's just a series of poor choices."

Hana glared at him, feeling her frustration bubble up. "And sometimes, people like you enjoy stirring the pot just to get a rise out of others."

Heeseung chuckled, clearly delighted by her reaction. "Maybe I do. But you have to admit, it's entertaining."

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