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Life had its own twists and turns, but this one was certainly not what Hana had envisioned for herself. Under the vast night sky, she'd often gaze at the stars, letting her mind wander over the trivialities of life-failing tests, exam stress, petty family squabbles, and minor dramas at school. It was all so simple. Or at least, it should've been.

But now, something gnawed at her-a heavy, sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Regret and guilt swirled within her, feelings she had no business harboring. For something she hadn't even done.

She could still recall with painful clarity the time she'd complained to her mother about not hugging her when dropping her off at school, insisting it wasn't "cool." How absurd it seemed now, that something so ordinary, so comforting, could have been a source of embarrassment. It was a memory she'd buried deep, hoping to forget it ever existed.

And now, with Heeseung's family drama laid bare for the world to see, she couldn't help but empathize. She understood his pain, his anger-but why was it all aimed at her?

She didn't do it. She reached into her bag to grab her phone-wait, what? It wasn't there. She halted mid-stride, frantically patting her pockets and rummaging through her bag, but the phone was nowhere to be found.

The next day greeted Hana with a sense of dread. Waking up grumpy was becoming her default setting, and the thought of life without her phone was still a nightmare she hadn't fully processed. It was like missing a limb-she was on a mission to find it.

"Damn you, Lee Heeseung."

Why? How in the world did he have her phone? She stared in disbelief at the scene before her. Standing in the basketball hall, she cursed the moment she laid eyes on the note that instructed her to meet here.

There he stood, tall and smug, with Hana's phone in his hand. His friends were milling around, shooting hoops or chatting, while the hall remained eerily empty. No sign of Park Sunghoon-should she be relieved? Or disappointed?

"Why do you have my phone?" Hana's voice was steady, determined not to let any slip-ups betray her unease.

"I knew you'd miss it," Heeseung said, a smirk playing on his lips. "This is the least I can do after what you did."

"Heeseung, I didn't do anything-" Hana's voice faltered as disbelief crept in, her heart sinking with each word. Heeseung didn't seem the least bit convinced.

"Excuses, lies, Hana," Heeseung sneered, slipping her phone into his pocket as if it were his own. "I've found a lot of interesting things. Things definitely worth paying attention to."

Hana's stomach twisted. She knew where this was heading-he was talking about exposing her. Her privacy violated, her life laid bare-this was a nightmare.

"Heeseung, you're not going to-" She was cut off again, frustration bubbling to the surface.

"I didn't get a warning," Heeseung said, leaning in closer, his voice dripping with mock generosity. "But I'm feeling generous this time. You're in trouble."

The last thing Hana ever wanted was to eavesdrop on some mysterious idiots. But curiosity, as always, got the better of her.

"I don't think she suspects me."


A sarcastic chuckle followed. "Watch that damn tongue."

"Soon enough it'll be out. You can't hide anymore, Ji-"

Hana groaned inwardly. She remembered it vividly-how she was trying to eavesdrop on a conversation between two unconfirmed females when someone walked in, and the conversation was abruptly cut off. She had almost caught onto a name-but no. She had her own problems to deal with. Typical, nosy Hana, always sticking her nose where it didn't belong.

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