Love on a Shipwreck (Part 2/?): Coming out

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I cautiously enter the living room, knowing that I can't avoid this conversation any longer.

Standing in the doorway, I catch Mum's eye as she lifts her head to look at me, anxiety swirling in the pit of my stomach.





Just... breathe...


Breathe... you're her son. She'll accept you; she'll love you always... right?

Breathe... breathe!


Deep breaths. You can do this! Just... do it! "Mum... I'm bi!" Just... just say it!


"Mum... I like boys!" just say it! "Mum... I'm... bi!" just... say it!


This is actually ridiculous, just say it! It's not like she doesn't already know you're not straight, she saw you kiss Leo! You're being a coward! Coward! Do it! Say it!


Just... j-just do it... breathe... are my hands shaking?



Blinking, I realise Mum is now standing in front of me, her hands holding mine.

I notice now that they were, infact, shaking.

I open my mouth to speak, but no sound comes out.

I blink.

"Noah? Are you okay?" Mum asks, her voice and face the very definition of worry.

"U-Uh... yeah. Yeah, I'm good." I nod, blinking.

God, there's something in my eye.

"You sure? Because you look like you're about to cry, sweetie." She says softly.

"Uh, no, just an eyelash in my eye." I swallow the lump in my throat.

She keeps her eyes trained on mine for a second longer, before stepping forward and wrapping me in her arms.

"O... Oh." I hug her back, sinking into her arms.

"Noah, I can tell when you're lying to me." She whispers into my hair, holding my head in her shoulder.

I sigh.

"What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything." She kisses my head.

"I... like boys." I mumble.

She's quiet for a second, then I feel her nod into my hair.

"I know. You kissed Leo."

I nod, breathing out.

"Noah, you never need to worry about telling me something like that, yeah? I promise."

I nod into her shoulder, blinking away tears.

"I... I know you already knew, but... I still felt like I should actually tell you. You're my Mum, you deserve to hear it..."

She shakes her head.

"You don't owe it to me, baby. You don't owe it to anyone. Take your time."

"I... okay."


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