Chapter 13

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When I wake up, I'm immediately aware of the warmth beside me. Instinctively, my arms are wrapped around someone, and it only takes a second to realise it's Anton. My first reaction is shock—how did this happen? But as I glance down at her, all the tension leaves my body. Anton's face is relaxed, her features softened by a peaceful smile. It's a sight I haven't seen in days, and it stirs something deep within me.

For a moment, I'm paralysed, unsure whether I should pull away or stay like this. But seeing her so at ease, I decide to hold on for a little longer. It feels right, comforting, and the weight that's been pressing on my chest these past few days starts to ease.

I don't want to disturb her, so I carefully slip out of bed, letting her sleep a little longer. In the kitchen, I start preparing breakfast, trying to keep my movements quiet. As I move around, I'm flooded with memories of all the times we've done this before—mornings spent together, cooking, laughing, just being in sync. It's bittersweet, and I can't help but wonder how we ended up here, in this strange limbo between past and present.

When breakfast is ready, I gently wake Anton, and she stirs, blinking up at me with sleepy eyes. "Good morning," I say softly, and she smiles, sitting up and stretching before joining me at the table.

We eat together, and it's like old times. The conversation flows naturally, easy and familiar, and for a little while, it feels like nothing has changed. We talk about everything and nothing—work, old memories, the little things that make us laugh. I feel like I can breathe again, like we're finding our way back to each other, even if it's just for this moment.

But just as we're deep in conversation, there's a knock at the door. I freeze, glancing at Anton before getting up to answer it. My heart skips a beat when I open the door and see Nadine standing there, her face lighting up when she sees me.

"Surprise!" she exclaims, stepping forward to hug me tightly. Before I can react, she presses a kiss to my cheek. "Baby, I missed you so much," she says, her voice full of warmth and affection.

I'm too stunned to speak. "Nadine... what are you doing here?" I manage to ask, trying to keep my voice steady. My mind races as I glance back at Anton, who's now sitting with her head hanging low, avoiding my gaze. The happiness I felt just moments ago is quickly replaced by a heavy, sinking feeling in my chest.

I glance back at Nadine, who's grinning like she's just won the lotto. This is the same Nadine I chose to be my best friend—the person I confided in during all those lonely nights in London, pouring out my heart about Anton. And now here she is, standing in front of me, her casual familiarity almost mocking everything I've been through. After all the tears, the late-night phone calls, the endless conversations about how much I missed Anton—this is what I get in return.

But even more than the shock, I'm hit with a wave of disbelief. This isn't the kind of welcome I'd expect from someone I call my best friend. A simple hug would've been enough, something warm and sincere. But this? This feels almost cruel, like she's crossed a line without even realising it—or worse, maybe she does realise it.

She strolls into my penthouse like she owns the place, her presence filling the room with an energy that feels all wrong. There's no acknowledgment of Anton, no polite greeting, not even a glance in her direction. It's like Anton doesn't exist, like she's nothing more than a shadow at the table. And the sight of Anton, sitting there with her head down, refusing to look at me, makes my heart ache.

I wish I could rewind time, just five minutes back to when everything felt almost normal—when we were sharing breakfast and a genuine connection, like we hadn't lost all those years. But now, all of that feels shattered, replaced by this uncomfortable tension that hangs in the air, thick and suffocating.

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