Chapter 25

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The tension between us had been palpable all day, a magnetic pull that grew stronger with every passing hour. It was as if the air around us was charged, crackling with the unresolved feelings and unspoken words that lingered just beneath the surface. So when Gab suggested taking me back to her penthouse, I didn't hesitate. I didn't have it in me to fight what I knew we both wanted.

As we entered her penthouse, a familiar wave of nostalgia washed over me. This isn't exactly the first time we found ourselves in a situation such as this. The memories of our time together here came rushing back, each one more vivid than the last.

Gab led me inside, her hand gently guiding me as if afraid I might change my mind. I didn't. I couldn't. My heart was already racing, anticipation and longing coursing through my veins.

We walked in silence, the only sound the soft click of the door as Gab shut it behind us. The dim lighting of the penthouse cast a warm, intimate glow over everything, making the space feel like our own little world—separate from the chaos outside, away from the prying eyes and whispered comments of our colleagues.

Gab turned to me, her gaze soft but intense, and I could see the same mix of emotions reflected in her eyes—desire, fear, hope. Without a word, she stepped closer, her hand reaching up to gently brush a strand of hair away from my face.

"Anton..." she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "Are you sure about this?"

I nodded, my throat too tight with emotion to form any words. I didn't need to say anything—Gab knew. She always knew. And as she took that final step forward, closing the small distance between us, I felt the last of my resolve crumble.

Her lips met mine in a kiss that was both gentle and urgent, as if she was afraid I might slip away if she didn't hold on tight enough. I responded in kind, my arms wrapping around her, pulling her closer as the world around us faded into nothing. All that mattered was this moment—us, together.

The kiss deepened, growing more intense with each passing second. My hands found their way to her waist, holding on as if she was the only thing keeping me grounded. Gab's hands were in my hair, her fingers threading through the strands as she pressed herself against me.

I could feel the heat between us, a slow-burning fire that threatened to consume us both. The weight of our shared history, the love we'd tried to bury, it all came rushing back, overwhelming me in the best way possible. It was like coming home—familiar, comforting, and yet, it also felt new, like we were rediscovering each other all over again.

Somehow, we made our way to the couch, our lips never breaking apart. Gab guided me down, and before I knew it, I was lying back, with her hovering over me, her eyes dark with desire.

"Gab," I breathed out, her name a plea on my lips. I needed her, wanted her more than I could ever put into words.

She answered me with another kiss, her hands slipping under my shirt, her touch sending shivers down my spine. I arched into her, craving more, desperate to feel as close to her as possible. I wanted to forget everything else—the past, the future—just to live in this moment with her.

But as much as I wanted to lose myself in her, there was a small voice in the back of my mind, reminding me of the reality we would have to face when this was over. The complications, the risks... It was all still there, waiting for us.

Gab must have sensed my hesitation, because she pulled back slightly, her eyes searching mine. "Anton... we don't have to rush this. We can take our time."

I shook my head, my fingers tightening their hold on her. "No, Gab... I want this. I want you."

She smiled softly, her thumb brushing against my cheek in a tender caress. "I want you too," she whispered, leaning down to kiss me again, this time slower, more deliberate. It wasn't just about the desire—it was about the love, the connection we shared, one that had never really gone away.

The next few moments passed in a blur of heated touches and whispered confessions, our bodies moving together in a rhythm we both knew so well. Every kiss, every caress was a reminder of what we once had, of what we could still have if we were brave enough to reach for it.

Eventually, we found ourselves lying together on the couch, our breaths heavy, our bodies tangled together. Gab rested her head on my chest, her hand drawing lazy circles on my arm as we lay there in comfortable silence.

For the first time in a long time, I felt at peace. I didn't know what the future held, or if we could truly make this work, but in that moment, I didn't care. All that mattered was that Gab was here, with me, and for the first time in years, I didn't feel so alone.

As I held her close, I couldn't help but think back to everything we'd been through, all the hurt and pain that had led us here. It hadn't been easy, and I knew it wouldn't be smooth sailing from here on out, but I also knew that I loved Gab more than anything.

And as she looked up at me, her eyes full of that same love, I knew that, no matter what, we would figure it out. Together.

"I missed you," she whispered, her voice filled with so much emotion it made my heart ache.

"I missed you too," I replied, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "So much."

Gab smiled, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she snuggled closer to me. "Let's not waste any more time, okay? No more running away. No more hiding."

I nodded, my heart swelling with the truth of her words. "No more hiding," I agreed, tightening my hold on her. "We're in this together."

And as we lay there, the world outside still spinning, I knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them head-on. Because this time, we weren't just lovers reuniting after years of separation—we were partners, ready to take on the world together. And that, more than anything, made all the difference.

 And that, more than anything, made all the difference

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