chapter 9: I'm pregnant..........

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Weeks had passed and I still wasn't over Asher. I laid on my bed and was watching fifty shades. My room was a mess and I hadn't showered in days. I had gained some weight but I wasn't eating.


My room was dark, clothes on the ground, empty packs of chips everywhere and the lights were dim. The curtains and blinds were shut and I felt really sick. My body hurt alot and I kept throwing up. I had a fever few days ago but it came down this morning.

Asher had been blowing up my phone since our last talk but I didn't reply.

Asher: yo char can we please talk.
Asher: char pls I really need to talk to u
Asher: you alive??
Asher: Charlotte pls I need to fix things
Asher: can I at least know ur alive??

I dropped my phone on the side table and continued with my movie. I heard my door open and tilly and gemma walked in.

" Oh my God, Charlotte Clara Bevyn, what the hell is going on in here?" Gemma asked and I groaned.

" Have you even left this room?" Tilly asked.

" Of course I have, I'm not an insane person." I said. I was lying, I haven't left this room in weeks and I called in sick from work.

" C'mon char we're taking you out to drink irresponsible amounts of liquor. You will feel much better." gemma said and I groaned.

" Guys I'm not really feeling it." I said

" At least let's go somewhere that isn't filled with cherito dust." Tilly said and I groaned.

" I don't want to go out guys, I feel really sick." I said and groaned.

" Char, get your ass up right now or I'm going to live stream what is going on in here." Gemma said bringing out her phone.

" Fine I'll go with you" I said and they cheered.

" But you have to promise to bring me back home drunk and early." I said and they nodded in agreement.

I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom for a shower. I wasted a lot of time in the shower because I had to wash the smell of cheerios off my body. I brushed my teeth and flossed before I came out in a white towel.

I sat on the dresser stool and applied my facials and body moisturisers. When I was done, I walked to my wardrobe and picked a dress.

I wore a blood red mini dress with a sleeveless hand that exposed my cleavage and most of my body.

I sat on the dresser stool and applied my make-up. I did more than my usual makeup this time. I applied foundation, blush, concealer, mascara, eyeliner, and setting spray. I applied smokey eye shadow and blood red lipstick.

I wore a pair of black ysl strap heels and silver jewelry. I added lashes and wore dangling silver earrings on each piercing. My hair was straightened and flowing down my back. I grabbed a black purse and looked at myself in the mirror.

" Guys I really don't want to go. And besides isn't this too much boobs?" I asked turning to my friends.

" No, girl you need to show Asher that you've moved on." Gemma said.

" But I haven't moved on guys, I really miss him." I said.

" I know you do sweetie, come here." Tilly said and opened her arms for a hug.

I hugged her and Gemma joined the hug which turned to a group hug.

We went outside and walked to my car that was parked in my driveway. I could see Asher standing in his balcony sipping something from a plastic cup.

I pretended like I didn't see him and just kept walking. We got into my car and I started it with the push of a button and we drove off.

                      ~Ashers P.O.V~

Charlotte came out from her house looking really pretty. She wore a red dress that exposed most of her body which made me angry because I didn't want other guys looking at her but who am I to stop her

She looked really happy which made me feel bad knowing that she had moved on already. I couldn't blame her though.

I sipped my drink and watched her drive away with her friends.

                    ~Charlotte's P.O.V~

We reached the club and it was crowded. People were everywhere and you couldn't pass without getting bumped into.

We squeezed through the crowd and walked to the bar. We got some drinks and went to sit at a table.

I was getting dizzy and the roof was spinning. The music was loud and my head ached already. I turned to my friends who were on their phones.

" Guys can we go now, I'm kinda feeling dizzy." I said screaming at the top of my voice.

" C'mon char we just got here, chill a little bit. " Tilly said.

I rested my head on the table for a while. The music swelled and I was feeling even worse. I really felt like going back to my room. I rose my head and chugged my whole drink. I immediately felt like puking.

I held my mouth and my stomach then rushed to the bathroom, pushing everyone in my way.

I got into the ladies room and entered one falling on my knees and vomitting in the toilet. Gemma held my hair up and tilly rushed to get water.

I sat up and walked to the sink to rinse my mouth. Tilly handed me a bottle of water and I drank it slowly. I sat on the sinks edge and breathe slowly trying to catch my breath.

" Guys I need to go home right now." I said and they agreed.

We walked to my car and I got in the back seat. Tilly drove and gemma sat in the passenger's seat.

We got home and gemma helped me walk into the house. Asher was still in the balcony but I couldn't care less.

I woke up and found myself in my bed. I was wearing a pair of blue shorts and a big cream hoodie. My head was pounding, my eyes were tingling and my tummy hurt alot.

I couldn't breathe properly so I sat up and tried to catch my breath. I grabbed a bottle of water from my side table and drank it. I immediately felt like puking so I ran to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet.

It felt so strange so I just wiped my face and flushed the toilet. That's when the realisation hit me. I ran to my bed and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it with my fingerprint and clicked on my period tracker.

I was late. It was odd because I'm usually early. I was scared so I went to my bathroom and opened the closet behind the mirror. I grabbed my emergency pregnancy test and took it.

A few minutes passed and my phone alarm rang. I grabbed the test and looked at it. Double lines. Freaking double lines.

" No, no, no, no, nooo, please be a dream." I said as I ran my hands through my hair.

" Shitt, God no." I said as I fell on the floor with tears in my eyes. I felt like pulling my hair out my scalp

I dropped the test on the bathroom sink and walked downstairs. I saw tilly and gemma in the living room and they turned to me when they heard my footsteps.

" Hey, char how're you feeling now?" Tilly asked and a tear rolled down my eyes.

" I'm not okay, I'm soo not okay" I said as my voice began to shake.

" Char, what's wrong?" Gemma asked

" I'm pregnant, I'm fucking pregnant." I said and fell on the ground.

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