chapter 15: loveable psycho........

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                          ~Asher's P.O.V~

It had been two weeks since I last saw Charlotte. I thought about looking for her but I was so caught up with work.

" Mirabel, get me a cup of coffee please." I said through the intercom.

" I'm right on it sir, do you need any other thing sir?" She asked.

" No that'll be all." I said and got back to what I was doing.

A few minutes passed and my office door swung open and carter walked in.

" Hey car, how're you doing." I said getting up from his chair.

They did a bro hug and they sat on the couch in the office.

" Just came to check up on you, to see how things are going." He said and I nodded.

" Everything's fine." I said.

" And are you okay?" He asked and I suddenly remembered Charlotte.

I sat there thinking of what to say back to him. If I said yes, I'll be lying to myself and it won't show how much I love her. If I said no, I'll probably get a Carter Delways lecture. I kept thinking to myself then I realised I hadn't answered him yet.

" Uhh yeah, yeah I'm great." I said instantly regretting it.

We talked for a while about random and business things before he left.


I went for a meeting afterwards which lasted an hour and half long before deciding to head home.

I walked out of my office and got in my private elevator. It took me straight to the parking lot and I walked to my car and turned it on.

I sat there wallowing in my thoughts when I instantly decided to call eleanor. I grabbed my phone from my backpack and clicked call before waiting for her to pick.

It was still ringing then I started driving away. It timed out so I called her again before she finally picked up.

" Hello asher."

" Hey, where were you, I've been calling you. Why didn't you pick up when I called the first time?"

" I'm so sorry, I was in the kitchen making dinner."

" Okay, is she there?" I asked and it was suddenly silent.

" Is who here?" She asked

" My.............. Char-charlotte, is she home?" I said thinking of what to call her.

" No sir I haven't seen or heard from her since the day she left. Is everything okay?"

" Yeah, yeah. Thanks." I said and hung up.

I tossed my phone on the passenger's seat and sighed to myself. I was getting worried so I drove to tilly's house to see if she was there.

I've been to Tilly's house a couple of times because Charlotte always insists that I take her. I try to decline but she makes this really cute face, who am I to resist.

I parked on the corner of the road and got out the car. I walked to the front porch and rang the doorbell. I waited for a while before someone opened the door.

" Hey, Asher what's up?" she asked raising a brow.

" Hey, ha-have you seen Charlotte....or spoken to her i-is she here?" I asked not finding the right words.

" What do you mean, isn't she with you?" She asked and I scratched the back of my neck.

" No we um, we kinda got into it a while ago and she left the house with her bags and...." I was saying then she cut me off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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