[Six; War is on]

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Seven days, four hours, and fifteen minutes into our marriage, I had already mastered the art of tormenting my dearest husband.

If he had thought he married a gentle, docile and demure woman, he couldn't be more wrong. In the last few days, I took it upon myself to remind him exactly who he married.

First day, I burnt his study down, and he left me under the ice-cold shower.

So next morning, naturally I decided to show him what he signed up for. I decided to be a dutiful wife and serve my husband by waking him up early for work;

I dumped an entire bucket of ice-water on him while he was peacefully sleeping.

That's what he fucking gets for messing with me.

If I thought Kim Taehyung would shrug off my icy wake-up call, I was gravely mistaken. As a revenge, my husband threw me over his shoulder and chucked me into his pool.

God, I hated every second of it. I did not know how to swim and he knew that. Yet my husband decided to do nothing to help me but watch me splutter, wither and choke on water as I drowned. All while having a smug smirk on his face.

No kidding, the sadist fucker watched me suffer until his house staff came rushing to save me.

The following day, I decided to continue being a dutiful wife and cook him food. Burnt and churned food with piping hot tea, my signiture dish for satan's spawn that's polluting the earth and grating my nerves these days. Hoping that would silence his big mouth by literally burning his tongue.

Excited to watch him cower, I gleefully waited to see him withering in pain. But when he figured what I was up to and what kind of food he was served, my husband simply looked into my direction, and smilingly and calmly takes a slow, deliberate bite.

If that wasn't enough, he even finished his food. With each and every bite and sip, his intense gaze was fixated on me.

And don't get me started on what the fucker did yesterday. After a whole day of planning, I managed to convince Jina to hand me his room keys. And when he came from work, he found his room locked.

I thought if he couldn't get access to the room he likes to hide in, I would finally see him beg for the keys at least. But this smug bastard saw this as a golden opportunity to teach me a lesson. Instead of picking any other room in the mansion, he chose to crash into my room, on my bed.

He slept on my bed.

I hated every second of it.

The war between us has been raging for a week, with no sign of a ceasefire in sight. We both been on the furnace for too long, retaliating on each other's stunts, doubling down each and every actions.

Yet, just like any other day, I am itching to do something to ruin his day today.

I tip toe into his bedroom, the air thick with the scent of his cologne mingling with the faint steam wafting from the master bathroom. Kim Taehyung is inside his bathroom, taking a shower.

If I learnt anything about my new husband, he showers every morning right before he leaves for work. And this is the perfect moment to execute my next plan to terrorise my husband.

So, I have given all the house staff a day off, leaving the mansion with eerie silence. It's just him and me, and the silent war we're waging.

My eyes flicker to his walk-in closet. If he's expecting a simple prank, he's in for a surprise.  Rows upon rows of suits, shirts, and ties are arranged with military precision, each piece more expensive than the last. The scent of cedar and his cologne hangs in the air. He's particularly fond of his suits and ties. I am going to hit him where it really hurts.

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