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Mack's POV:

It was my uncle . He found me and Dean kept his promise to pound his face in. I just stood there not knowing what to do . I felt an arm wrap around me . I looked up to see Roman . I instantly wrapped my arms around him . He let go and when he did my uncle was stood up and looking at me .

"Well you look prettier than I remember . " He said while walking over to me . Roman instantly stood in front of me . I tapped his shoulder and whispered to him " Move . I got this." He looked at me then my uncle and back at me and nodded his head. He stepped aside . I walked over to my uncle and slapped hard across the face . I turned and started walking away.

" You bitch." he said . I instantly turned around and tackled him to the floor and hit him multiple times . I felt someone trying to pull me off but that failed . More people , again failed. Everyone else but one person let go .

" Stop . I think he learned his lesson ." It was Dean. I stopped and got up , Deans arm never left my waist .I turned around to face Dean . We looked each other in the eyes . I wrapped my arms around Deans neck and hugged him. He pulled me closer , making the hug tighter . "I'm sorry." I whispered to Dean. " For what?" He asked . " For not stopping and not letting you and the others pull me off." I  told him. He pulled away from the hug a little bit and said " You kidding that was awesome but if I didn't tell you to stop then he wouldn't be alive right now." I chuckled but then I got scared." Is he still here?" I asked Dean. He shook his head 'No' . I smiled and said " Good." He smirked and pulled me back in the hug .

"Hey when you guys are done , Mack you have to get ready for the show ." Roman said .

"Ok Ro." I said while letting go of the hug. I walked into my room and saw someone sitting on my bed. It was AJ. "Oh hi." I said. She just waved. " What's wrong  ?" I asked . " Is he still here ?" She asked referring to my uncle . " No he left after I kicked his ass." I told her . She laughed "Ok do you need help finding something to wear?" I nodded . She gave me a flowery print dress with a jean medium sleeved shirt to wear over and tie to where the dress is visible. I walked out the bathroom. "WOW . I was right you do look good in that. Now go see what Dean thinks." AJ said . I glared at her. Yes I like Dean but he doesn't know besides I doubt he likes me . I walked out the bedroom.

"DAMN!" All the guys said at the same time. I just chuckled .

"Ready Ro?" I asked. He nodded .

"What about us?" Dean , Seth and AJ asked .

"Alright fine .Come on." I said .

"YAYY!" They all yelled . We got in the car and drove for about 15 minutes until we were at the arena . I went to the locker room and got dressed in my ring gear. I walked out to be greeted by Jamie . Yay. I pushed past her , only to be pulled back by my hair. "OW!" I yelled . She just kept pulling me . I felt my hair being released . I looked behind me but she wasn't there . I looked around and saw Dean to my right. "Hey." I said. "Hey , you alright?" I nodded "Thanks." I said. " No problem. Lets go get something to eat." I nodded and walked with him. When we were walking Dean asked " What was that about anyway?"  We stopped walking so I could tell him. " I was walking out the locker room and Jamie was there . I walked past her while bumping into her and that bitch pulled me by my hair." I told him . He chuckled " Wow she's lucky you couldn't reach her face ." I nodded.

*At catering*

We walked in and got our food . We found where Roman , AJ and Seth were sitting and took a seat . Someone walked in and Dean ,Roman ,Seth and AJ smiled at me . I looked at them confusingly . I felt a hand over my eyes . "Guess who?" The person said .I thought for a second and I knew that voice anywhere . I jumped out of my seat and turned around . "ADAM!!!" I said. I gave him a hug.

"Surprise." He said . We hugged for a good 1o minutes .  He pulled away from the hug ."Follow me and you can see two other surprises ." I nodded and started following him.

Adam's POV:

Me and Kenzie were walking . I covered her eyes before getting to the spot so she wouldn't see anything from now until we got to the spot . we were about 4 minutes from it . It was in the arena so she wouldn't get in trouble . We were there and I  opened the door and we walked in . Dean . Roman ,Seth and A.j were already in there because they left during mine and Mack's hug.

I uncovered her eyes . "CHRISTIAN!!!" was the first thing she said and the first person she saw . She gave him a hug . "MOM!!!!" she went and hugged mom. She saw Dean and the others . "wait weren't you guys in catering ?" They nodded ."We cam here while you two were hugging. " Seth said.

"SURPRISE!!" We all said.

She started tearing up . With happy tears because she had a smile on her face. I looked at mom.

Judy's POV(MOM):

Adam looked at me and I knew I had to tell her before her birthday. By the look Adam is giving me means I have to tell her today. I regret keeping this from her for 20 years.

"Mack." I said . She looked at me . "Come here and sit down . I have something to tell you." She came and sat down. "What's up mom?" She said.

"Umm sweetheart I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner its just I didn't know how to." She looked confused but nodded for me to continue . "Sweetie your a-adopted." I told her my voice cracking from the tears. I looked at her and she didn't have any emotion. "How old was I when you adopted me ?"

"8 months." I told her. "Why me when you had others to chose?"

"You were special." She nodded and hugged me. I didn't expect this to happen . I hugged her . She left because it was time for her and Roman to go .


Well Mackenzie is adopted .

She beat up her uncle.

Saw her mom ,  Christian , and Adam.

What happens next ?

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