Anniversary : prt. 2

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Dean's P.O.V:

Today is finally the day of mine and Mack's anniversary and I can't wait for her to wake up so i can give her the present . Right now i'm making her favorite breakfast which consists of : french toast , bacon, eggs and pancakes with a bottle of Starbucks mocha frappuccino   . She'll probably be up in a minute which will be when the food is done . 

" Well something smells good ." I heard Mack say . I turned around and Mack was still in bed . 

"Good because i was surprising you with this," I said while setting the food in front of her . " because i know this is your favorite breakfast and since it's our 1 year anniversary i should make it for you . Happy 1 year baby." I finished while smiling . 

She moved the food off of her lap and sat up . She pecked my lips and smiled . " Happy anniversary babe . I love you . " 

" Mack can i tell yo something ?"

"Yeah ." 

"Ok hold on i'll be right back ." She nodded her head and continued eating . 

I went and got the little box from my suitcase . I came back after putting it in my pocket . 

"Ok so you know i love you and i care for you . I know its just our 1 year anniversary but i thought now would be the perfect time . Close your eyes." She closed her eyes . " I don't really know how to say this but here goes nothing . Mackenzie I- I'm in love with you . And not just you but everything about you . From the way your hair shines in the moonlight to the way you walk when your exhausted . I can't keep myself away from you . I love you so much . And I promise to love you forever ,open your eyes , and when i say forever i mean forever because your not getting rid of me ever. Will you take this promise ring to show everyone my promise to you and many more promises to come?"  I confessed to her . When i looked up she had tears in her eyes and was smiling the smile i've grown to love .

"Dean i love you and what kind of question is that ? Of course i will ." She said while smiling widely . I laughed and put the ring on her finger . " Now i  don't think that my gift can top this . " She said while giggling . 

"Whatever it is i'll love it almost as much as  i love you ."

She went and got her present  for me . She came back but i didn't see anything . 

"Close your eyes silly." 

I closed my eyes and waited for whatever it is . " Now this is just something small but i want you to have it . So here ." I smiled and felt something hit my hands . "Open." I opened my eyes and saw a necklace . I picked it up and examined it . It was a circular necklace with engraving on it that said " I love you as high as the SKY and as deep as the SEA ." It was adorable and i loved it . 

"Babe it's adorable and i love it . Thank you babe."  I said smiling . I pulled her towards me and kissed her . 

"Your welcome . Now can we eat and just lay in bed today ?" 

"Yes we can babe . " I said . 

Today has been the best day of my life aside from meeting her . 


Author's note :

A whole chapter in Dean's P.O.V . 

This chapter is shorter then the others but at least i finally updated . 

Hope you guys enjoyed now the next chapter will be fast forwarded in time I know i do that a lot but the chapters always turn out happy in a way but this time its going to be a plot twist and a sad moment in this chapter but if you keep reading after that it will get better . 

Thanks for waiting for this update . 

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