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Dean's P.O.V :

Me and Roman just finished our match and were headed backstage right now . I went to my locker room when i got backstage to see if Mack went there . When I got to my locker room i opened the door and saw someone inside ... it wasn't Mack . It was Renee . Yay (hence the sarcasm ) .

"Why the hell are you here Renee ?" I asked .

"To see you silly ." She responded .

"Ok and why do you want to see me ?" 

"To talk to you .Duh ." 

"To talk about what ?" 


"Not happening " 

"Why not ?" 

"Because-because I'm in love with Mack ." 

"Your what ?" 

"I'm in love with Mack ." 

"Ok I heard you but why her and not me ?" 

"Because she doesn't want me just for sex .We haven't even reached that level in our relationship yet ." 

"Ok whatever " Renee said before walking out .

Mack's P.O.V: 

I was standing outside Dean's door . I was going to go in but I heard him and another girl talking so I had to stop and listen so I know what's going on . 

"Why the hell are you here Renee ?" Dean asked .

"To see you silly ." She responded .

"Ok and why do you want to see me ?"

"To talk to you .Duh ."

"To talk about what ?"


"Not happening "

"Why not ?"

"Because-because I'm in love with Mack ."

"Your what ?"

"I'm in love with Mack ."

"Ok I heard you but why her and not me ?"

"Because she doesn't want me just for sex .We haven't even reached that level in our relationship yet ."

"Ok whatever " Renee said before walking out .

Renee glared at me when she walked out . I smirked at her before walking in . 

"Hey." I said before setting my stuff down and walked over to him . I touched his arm . 

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME RENEE !"He yelled . I guess he didn't hear me . 

"It's not Renee ." I said touching his arm again .

"I'm sorry she just pissed me off. I didn't hear you come in . Sorry ." Dean said before kissing my cheek and hugging me .

"It's ok.How about we go out and celebrate for yours and Roman's win ?" 

"Ok ." He smiled . 

"I'll go get him ." 

He nodded before I walked out .I found Roman's locker room and knocked . 

"Come in." He said . I walked in .

 "Hey Ro ." 

"Hey Mack ."

"Me and Dean were wondering if you want to go out and celebrate your guys win?" 

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