Apology accepted?

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Mack's P.O.V :
°°°2 days later °°°
I've been hanging out with Seth a lot here lately. I mean we are dating but I'm not used to being with him this much. I keep thinking about what AJ told me the other day and the recording. Am I making a mistake ? Do I apologize to Dean or wait for him to explain himself ? I tried to talk to him yesterday but everyone said that he wasn't there for Smackdown. I tried to figure out what his hotel room was but when I said that I was his girlfriend AJ came and told the lady that I was his ex girlfriend. I've tried everything but nothing is working. Me and Seth are at the arena for the live show.

We were playing around and I was laughing. When I was laughing I looked up and saw Dean he looked hurt and like he was about to cry. I wanted to go and talk to him but I know Seth wouldn't like that. But I didn't care anymore. "Hey I'll be right back ." I told Seth and walked off. I looked back and Seth was on his way to catering. I found Dean down a hallway.

"Dean?" I asked to make sure it was him.
"What?" He said and turned around. He was crying I wanted to hug him but I didn't know if he would let me. "Won't your boyfriend worry about you?"

"Dean I came to talk to you." I stated ."Besides I don't care if he is or not. "
"What do you want ? Did you come to rub it in my face that I messed up and now you moved on ? If you are then save it ."
"I didn't come here to talk about any of that well not the moving on part because I didn't ."
"Really? You didn't? Well that's what everybody else thinks is that you did. So if its not that then what the fuck is it Mackenzie ?"

He used my full first name. I'm not used to him doing that he always called me Mack. "AJ played the recording. I'm sorry that I didn't let you explain I just needed time and you kept bothering me about it. And yeah I didn't move on everyone can think what they want but I haven't moved on yet. I'm not even sure if I want to move on . " I admitted. He looked at me shocked by what I said .

"If you're not sure if you want to move on then why are with him?" Dean asked with his eyes full of shock and hurt. I thought for a second. I wanted to hug him but he would probably push me away. I stared into his eyes .
"It just happened. I talked to him Monday and he drove me to the arena and I told him what happened and he was upset. He asked me to share a locker room with him and I did. I went to catering while he went to talk to the Authority. You tried to explain but I wouldn't let you after you left I left and ran into the Uso's they noticed I was crying and I told them why. I went back to the locker room and Seth noticed I told him what happened and he said he would help me move on and he kinda forced himself on me -" I got cut off by Dean punching the wall next to him .

"He what ?"
"But I gave in and let him he kept asking if I was sure and I told him that I was. After he wanted me to give him a chance I told him that I didn't know if I wanted to be in a relationship but he got upset and left I thought for a second and I ran out the door without realizing  what I was doing. I'm sorry you saw that I really didn't know what I was doing. I guess I just didn't want to lose someone else because I thought I lost you. I'm sorry." I explained and I was crying. Dean grabbed my chin and lifted my face up .
"You really think you lost me ? "He asked. I nodded." Well you didn't. I'm right here. If you don't want to be with him then don't ."Dean was right. He wiped some tears away. I couldn't stop myself for any longer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I thought he was about to push away but he didn't he hugged me back. "Its OK Mack. I'm sorry ."
"Its OK Dean ." I looked at him and he was looking down the hall . I followed his gaze and saw Seth . I buried my head in the crook of Deans neck ."I still love you . I always will . Just give me some time please ? I'll take care of the Seth situation ." I whispered . He made me look at him and he looked down the hallway . Seth was gone .
"Don't get mad at me please." He whispered . I looked confused and then eventually nodded my head. He nodded and looked in my eyes. We looked at each other for a minute before I felt Deans lips on mine . I couldn't help but kiss him back . He pulled away ." Come get me if he makes you do something you don't want to do . " I nodded my head . I went to walk away but I heard Dean start to say something ." The storyline is still happening they didn't believe Seth."
I looked at him and smiled . "Good." I winked at him and walked away . I was looking for Seth . I asked someone and they said he went to catering , I thanked them and walked to catering . I found Seth and went up to him ." Seth can we talk?" He nodded .
We went down a hallway ." Seth I'm sorry I know I said that I would give you a chance but I'm not ready to be in a relationship yet. I'm just not over Dean yet and I don't know how long it will be until I am. I'm sorry . "
"Oh no Mack you don't get it . You already promised . There's no backing out now . It's only been 2 days and 3 days since Dean hurt you . Don't let him persuade you to do something you don't want to do . "
"He wouldn't do that to me Seth. He's not you . I didn't know what I was doing when I told you that I would actually give you a chance . I'm done Seth. Just leave me alone and find someone else . You will-" before I could finish I felt something hit my cheek . I looked up and saw Seth's hand . I got up and ran off .
"DEAN!" I kept yelling . "Where is Dean ?" The stagehand shrugged . I went down a hallway . "DEAN! WHERE ARE YOU ?!" I stopped in the middle of the hallway and fell to my knees . "Please . I need you ." I broke down .
"WHERE IS SHE ?!" I heard Dean .
"DEAN!" I yelled and I heard running footsteps .
"Mack?" Dean asked concerned .
I turned around and hugged him . "Please. Help me Dean ."
"What happened ?" I moved away from the hug and turned my head so he could see the left side of my face. I felt his thumb across it and I flinched.
"Don't hurt me ." I whispered .
"I won't I would never hurt you . Just tell me who did this ?"
"Seth. I tried to tell him I couldn't be with him but he said I couldn't leave and I told him that I couldn't be with him and he would get over me and he-he hit me Dean ." I cried . Dean looked angry but wrapper his arms around me ." Help me Dean . I'm scared ."
"Don't be scared . I'm right here . Nothing or no one will be able to hurt you anymore unless it has to do with WWE. I promise ." I pulled away from the hug and looked at Deans . They were filled of : anger,worry , and truth . Before I could think twice I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him . He kissed back . I heard footsteps down the hallways and looked up . I saw Seth and I started shaking . Dean turned around and stood up when he saw Seth . "Go away Seth. She doesn't love you . You fooled her into being with you . Just leave her alone . You've done enough ." Seth kept walking towards us . Dean turned to me "Run when I tell you . Go to Roman or The Uso's ." I shook my head . "Let me protect you just do it please ." I finally nodded my head . Seth came closer and closer he went to hit Dean . "Run!" Dean yelled . I ran but looked back when I was at the front of the hallway . I turned away and found Roman's locker room . I knocked on the door fast and repeatedly . The door opened . "Mack?"
"Hurry it's Dean . I tried to break up with Seth it didn't go well . He's after Dean now . Help him . But I need to hide ." Roman nodded .
"Go inside . Jimmy and Jey are in there ." He said and ran off .
I walked in and sat down .
"Mack?" I heard Jimmy . I looked up and they both looked concerned .
"Seth attacked Dean . I tried to break up with Seth but t didn't go well . I told Dean and he was trying to help me but Seth showed up and attacked him . Dean told me to run and come here . Roman went to help . I need to stay in here ." I explained to them .
They both nodded and hugged me .
"He hit me . "I blurted .
"Who did ?" Jey asked .
"Seth ." They looked angry. Please just stay . I'm scared and I don't want to be alone ." They nodded .
Roman came back a few minutes later . "Where's Dean ?"
"I'm right here Mack." Dean said and walked through the door. I ran and hugged him . "I'm okay . Don't worry . Are you sharing a room with him ?"
I nodded . "You don't have to anymore . Steph and HHH said you don't have to anymore . They already took you out if his room and arranged for you to stay with me in both the hotel and in the locker room . That's if you want to ?"
"I don't want to be near him ."
"You won't don't worry ."
"Thank you .I'm sorry ."
"Don't w I told you I was going to protect you . Now come on let's go and get you some rest . "
I nodded . We got in Dean's car and drove off . I fell asleep on the way . I woke up in the hotel room but I wasn't in the clothes I was wearing earlier . I was now wearing one of Deans shirts . I smiled . "Hey your awake ." Dean said and sat the cup of water down next to me on the table . I smiled and looked down ." I'm sorry but I didn't want you to be uncomfortable. I didn't want to go through your stuff either so I just put one of my shirts on you ." He apologized . At least he didn't want to go through my stuff . He was respecting me and I liked that ." Don't worry about it . Thank you ." I smiled . He smiled at me and moved some hair out of my face . " I um I brought you some water ." I nodded and started feeling tired again . Dean noticed and began to leave ." Dean . Stay . Please . I'm scared ."
He came back and laid down . I cuddled into his side . I missed this . Dean lifted my head up and laid it on his chest . He remembered . "You like laying on my chest because my heart beat helps you fall asleep and soothes you when you're upset or scared ." He smiled .
"You remembered . But you were asleep when I told you ."
"I wasn't fully asleep. And yeah ." I cuddled closer to him and soon fell asleep .
"I love you so much Mack . Don't leave me please ." Was the last thing I heard.
I won't leave you I promise . I love you too . Forever and always .

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