nothing to name because i am stupid

50 7 5

"The more I think of this situation,the more absurd it seems"these lines are said by enty when thinking, why the hell are they at war when they have a common enemy" enty says as she did a little more research the next day

"Actually, if we think deeper, they don't have a common enemy, just think, sirens allied with the crosmson axis, because they, know that they start a war between each other If they allied with one side, and depleat their resources in the way too" said enterprise

KE chimed up" but here is the point, how did they manage to gain their trust?"

Everyone was thinking of something that could lead on the way to gain their trust but none came to their mind.

But when they were thinking more of what to do, zora came in to talk.

"My sensors are detecting a fleet going towards the coast of Japan, after intercepting their communication, I can tell that its some sort of rescue mission."

"So those maids with half decent spying skills, i went down on my own for sometime, because even on full display that i was not from their, no one suspected me, by just staying away from serious looking people" defender said and continued"at that time i saw, two ladies with masks on that only covered half of their face, and from the structure of their face i could clearly tell they are from their using my sensrs i found out that they were Sheffield and Edinburgh"

"i see.." said enterprise


"whats wrong" KE looked at enty who was in deep thought

"my sister is also in the fleet, she will definitely try to take revenge, please we gotta- " enty said but was cut off

"look, i know what you are saying, but i think its time to finally reveal ourselves"


"NOO DONT LEAVE HERE"-akashi the capitalist scam cat

"why are we carrying this dead weight?" -'blonde female James bond ' ahhh maid

"we might get some information out of her thats why"- gold mine

but then their boat lit on fire, 

"aaah! the boat is on fire!!"



the three were stuck in an island with an abandoned city and using fog as a cover to hide, all while the enemy forces were slowly finding them and closing up on them, when lexington and defender beamed down and found the three

"pssst" defender tried to call the three 

but Sheffield immediately aimed guns at an unsurprised defender

"who are you? and why are you here?"sheffield asked defender with the same stern look

"i am USS defender, i came here to help, the reinforcements are here, we have managed to create an opening , through which you can use to escape, but be quick, i will cover you while you escape"

"i am only trusting you because you are an eagle union ship, lets go"said sheffield, but she could not shake a feeling that she was lying to them,  but she did not have any options but to flee anyways, she followed her"

Edinburgh asked"i have never seen you before, what class of ship are you?"

"I am an escort,mainly focused on defending the ships, but I can also go on offensive" defender replied

they all just ran to an open place towards the fleet, it it was odd for them since there was basically nothing around them, unkown to them except defender, discovery which was being controlled by zora at the time was above them, protecting them with shield and jammers making it impossible for anyone to approach them

later on they finally reached the fleet and effectively saving the reinforcements basically all the trouble of finding the three

pow:sheffield?!! Edinburgh!! You made it back but how

Edinburgh:your escort showed us a safe way here surprisingly with no enemies

Belfast: I am sorry but we don't remember sending an escort.

Akashi:whaaa?-*looks around* SHE WAS WITH US JUST NOW NYAA!!

Pow: I see, we will investigate that later on but first let's retreat. Our mission here is complete

But someone had other plans

Hornet had wrnt fat away to provide air support until she saw and  identified someone



Hornet lunged at zuikaku with basically everything she had, the sudden burst of offensive attacks of offensive attacks overwhelmed her even tho she was very well trained, not to mention that the B-25 didn't help because they were basically doing a job of shooting down the fighters and not bombing

Lucy approves


zuikaku:<<I need reinforcements!!>>


"HOLY!! She is not going without a fight"
KE said while looking from discovery's live feed

"I have no idea how the ships in this world fight each other, but from the looks of it, Hornet has a chance of defeating her if she is able to disable her in a short time before reinforcements arrive, but that chance is very slim, and that's over a fact that we don't want anyone to sink here" enterprise said

Enty:"This is all my fault, I have to go

Enterprise:well, I am not gonna stop you now, because I have no idea on what to do now, plus there is not time to think, or maybe we finally reveal ourselves


Back at battlefield

Takao:you have gained my respect,my enemy.

Cleveland:it was a good fight, but now I have to go

As soon as Cleveland said that, takao lunged at her, but a few shells from royal navy ships stopped her giving Cleveland enough time to run

Somewhere else


laffey:lafey doesn't want to fight, we want to be friends with you

Ayanami:*blank stare*


but then, a hollow howling noise cam over battlefield again

Cliffhanger mfs!!

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