Chapter 4. Time in the Dungeons passes by fast.

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Three weeks have passed by since my Pokemon and i had defeated the Zombie dungeon boss and all that time was spent training and dungeon diving.

The first thing i did after summoning my new Pokemon was go back to the Zombie Dungeon almost every day, our plan was to level up my three new Pokemon, which were a Snorunt, a Riolu and a Petilil.

These three Pokemon and their evolutions weren't just some of my favorite Pokemon but they also have access to some very useful moves that i want for myself.

After summoning them i immediately used my skill Observe on them to get their information and this is the information i got, starting with Petilil.


Name: Petilil. (female).

Type: Grass.

Ability: Own Tempo.

Level: 1.

The leaves on Petilil's head are very bitter, which can cause dizziness.

However, these leaves possess revitalizing effects such as restoring a person's vigor.

This can be achieved by eating the leaves directly, or drying and boiling them into an infusion, this infusion is also sometimes used as a bug repellent, because of the health effects of its leaves, Petilil is very popular with the elderly.

Petilil tends to appear near sources of clean waters, it lives in areas with soil abundant in moisture and nutrients.

Their homes can be either well tended fields or flowerbeds, however, they will leave if the environment turns bad.

This Pokémon is a female-only species with no male counterpart.

Moves: Growth, Absorb.

Petilil and it's evolution Liligant are really powerful grass type Pokemon and have access to some very useful status condition skills that i want, it also learns all the HP draining grass moves which are undoubtedly very good to have and a great way to save money since i can rely on these skills to keep my HP up.

The next Pokemon i used Observe on was Snorunt a half dark type, half ice type pokemon.

Name: Snorunt. (female).

Type: Ice, Dark.

Ability: Ice Body.

Level: 1.

Well adapted to life in colder climates, it subsists on snow and ice and can survive temperatures as low as-150 degrees Fahrenheit.

Snorunt is also a social creature, living and traveling with other Snorunt in groups of five. It can be found incaves, particularly when the outside weather lacks snow.

Additionally, it has been known to visit human dwellings.

Moves: Powder Snow, Leer

This tiny pokemon has the potential of becoming a powerhouse and since I'm planning on evolving it into a Frosslass, a half ghost and half ice type Pokemon who has amazing moves available for it to learn as it levels up, moves that I'm planning on learning myself, this makes it a very useful addition to the team.

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