Chapter 1

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My breathing was fast and wind whipped against my face as I ran through the forest as fast as I could. My left-hand bicep had deep gash from the fight I had earlier with that smelly rogue. The gash was slowly getting dried and hurting and was dripping enough blood to leave trail for a werewolf nose. Even then I could do nothing but run as they were never going to stop following me. I looked back to see and I was right. Three new wolves were following me and I knew that I won't last long if I continued to fight like this. Thinking quickly, I tried to hide myself by climbing on the tree. I saw a perfect tall tree and went for it.

I had almost reached out for a branch, when suddenly all air left me. I found myself being pulled down with full force. My back met with hard stones making me wince in pain but quickly rolled off as a foot came into my view. I wouldn't have survived broken rib if that foot had hit me. I quickly got up into fighting stance and looked at my three opponents standing growling in front of me. Soon three more joined and the six formed a circle around me blocking all my escape routes.

"Just give up already Roxx. It's been three days since we are chasing you. You know we won't let you live, so why fight." Ben said who was once my acquaintance. Ignoring him, I kept eyeing all my opponents looking for the weakest of them all.

"And you know very well I won't go down without a fight. I did not kill your pathetic excuse of alpha just for fun. You are doing the same mistake as he did." I growled.

"And what is that?" he asked angrily as I insulted his alpha.

"He tried to stop me from running." I growled angrily and launched at the blond guy who had weak fighting stance.

I had partially shifted and clawed his throat off. He died instantly. But neither I nor did the other five wait a second for expressing remorse on his death. It was to kill or be killed situation here. I jumped on guy nearest to me as others did on me. Soon full-blown fight started with one against five. The fight was becoming gruesome and extremely difficult for me to cope as all five of them were very skilled. We kept attacking and dodging each other's attack.

Suddenly I slipped on stone and fell on ground. They took that opportunity and repeatedly started punching on my chest and face. My hands were protectively over my face and neck and screamed loudly as a wolf chewed my calf muscle off. My vision was getting blurry and my wolf was tired of fighting and healing me all at once. I knew if I wanted to live, I had to think of something and that too quickly. Daring to glance around, I saw something useful and smirked. There, within my reach lay a sharp stone that can easily be used as weapon.

I removed my hand from covering my face and grabbed the stone and at the same time a powerful punch landed on my jaw. It almost dislocated my jaw. Blood filled my mouth but I ignored the pain. My priority was to kill them and come out alive from this fight. With all might, I slashed the pointed stone on person pounding on me and heard a satisfactory scream. I closed my eyes as wolf's blood splattered on my face and body but there was no time to waste. I was quick enough to sit up. Scrambling back as quickly as I could, I got a little away from them and grabbed tree's trunk to help myself to stand up again. My left half ripped calf was paining like bitch and I had to put my most of weight on my good leg. Thankfully I was right footed fighter or I was sure to be dead in no time.

I spit some blood on ground as I saw it was Ben, whose face was slashed. He was whimpering like a child in corner covering his face with his hands making me spat at him in disgust. His cowardice was nothing new to me. I turned my attention to the four standing in front of me. I adjusted my grip on stone and ran towards the guy nearest to me and slashed his throat off but he managed to kick me hard on gut making me go double. He had died after some struggle but I did not have time to wait and confirm his death as the three started throwing punches at me.

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