Chapter 5

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And with that chaos started. Their wolfs almost surfaced out of anger and beta quickly stood in front of me protectively, raising his hands in surrender and showing neck in submission and said,

"I think she had enough for today alpha. Please give her a chance to process all this. I know you both will regret killing her later. Please." He pleaded.

I saw their eyes go back to normal rather reluctantly before my so-called mate said,

"Alright beta. But she'll not stay anywhere near me or my mate. Throw her in cell and lock her up since she is dangerous for my pack." and added a growl in end.

I was in pain but said nothing because I didn't feel like saying something to a person like him. I heard Beta say,

"Alpha, if you allow me, please let me take her to my parent's house. It is far away from here and she will not be danger if she stays under my parents watch."

I saw eyes of alpha go blur and after a minute or so he sighed and said, "Alright Cal, but she is your responsibility. If she hurts anyone, you will be held liable."

I saw beta nod frantically and thanked him. I was astonished as to why beta was so protective of me. I am sure as hell that he did not trust me to not cause any scene. Did he? Shit! This is bad. I couldn't let anyone get attached to me.


He could be doing this out of pity and sympathy he felt towards me. Yes! That's it. He felt sorry for what was happening to me and must have wanted to ease my pain a little. I felt disgusted and anger shoot inside me at that thought.

My anger increased and I couldn't help but step aside and ask, "I wanted to ask a question," beta was about to protest but I held my hand in front of his face, stopping him before I calmly but angrily asked,

"When you and your wolf, mutually decided to make her happy again, did you for once thought about me? Your true mate? And if yes, what did you think about doing with our bond? About me?" I asked almost choking in end but kept my face straight.

That made him snap out of his anger and looked away guiltily and said, "We were going to reject our mate. I was just waiting for you to get better before I formally reject you."

I was surrounded by immense hurt, pain and betrayal like I have never felt before. This soul-wrenching, stomach-twisting, mind-flooding pain of heartbreak was like never before. Never in my life had I thought that my mate would think about rejecting me. I didn't know what to do now. What to say or act like to make him accept me again. But I knew one thing, I would never beg. I am above that.

But what he said had an underline meaning and had to ask it for confirmation.

"By rejecting, the wolf that gets rejected dies. You know that right? So, you do not care whether I live or die?" I asked in disbelief and wide eyes.

Please deny it! Please say you care. Please. Please. Please.

I begged in my mind but I knew I was not going to be heard by him.

"It's not necessary that you will die." He said looking very uncomfortable and looking anywhere but me.

I don't know what happened to make me snap,maybe his hurtful words or maybe his uncaring tone or maybe his attitudetowards my life made me act such way because before I know, I grabbed hiscollar and threw him out of the window.

I heard crash outside and ran towards it, climbed the sill and jumped down gracefully. I looked up to see alpha angry but I didn't care. I didn't care for the person who didn't care whether I lived or not. Like hell I am going to breakdown and leave this place like nothing happened. No! They will see my anger and needs to fear me. I didn't care whether I was going to live or not, but who cares, he was going to reject me anyways and I was going to die anyways, then why not die in style as a warrior; fighting for what she believes in.

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