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It was still quiet. It had been quiet for some time now. Was it over? Or was it another one of his taunts? Michaela was still holding on to her teddy, trying to make as little sound as possible.

"Micky," she heard the man call again. "Micky, come ouuut." his voice began to sound louder... and louder until she saw the closet door open and held her breath, hoping he wouldn't see her.

"You have ten seconds."

He started counting back.


she gripped her teddy harder.


she closed her eyes.


she started praying




she heard a loud ringing noise




she felt him grab her



"Kayla, didn't you hear your alarm?" she heard Haley's soft voice call as she pulled back her curtains, letting some light in, ripping her out of her nightmare.

She was safe.. it wasn't real. She's in her bed safe and sound, waiting for her first day of working in the BAU to begin. She had been dying with anticipation ever since Hotch told her she could finally start after her 21st birthday.

She had been working hard for this moment, graduating at 16, then getting her bachelor degree in psychology, and finally attending FBI academy.

She knew the only reason she was able to join the BAU was because of her connection with Hotch. She wasn't a genius. She was just able to skip a few grades that made her graduate earlier, but she was nothing special, not an asset that the FBI would want unless Hotch had persuaded them.

But she was still happy. She had told herself she would prove her worth.

"Kayla, are you listening to me?" Haley's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

"What was that?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"I was telling you that Aaron is waiting for you to get ready so you can both leave." The woman repeated herself while pulling the blanket off Kayla.

"He's still insisting we go together. I am going to look like an elementary school kid being dropped off." the young girl complained and pulled her pillow over her face, screaming.

The older woman started laughing while sitting on the edge of the bed, her hands brushing through Kayla's hair as she started cheering her up.

"Maybe you could ask him to drop you off a few blocks away, just like you did in high school."

"That's it! You're going to talk to him." Kayla pleaded as she gave the woman next to her the biggest puppy eyes.

Haley stared at the young girl, trying to resist her. She started speaking when the girl interrupted her.

"Come on, you got him to stop driving me to high-school, you can do it again. I am not a baby, " she paused "Pleaseeee" she pleaded once again while kicking her feet.

"Well, you sound like one right now, and certainly look like one," Haley told her while squeezing her face. "But I'll see what I can do," she added.

"Thank you, thank you!" The now full of life girl said as she began getting ready.

As she entered the bathroom, she couldn't help but remember the dream she had, still a little shaken by it. She brushed it off as she splashed her face with cold water and quickly continued getting ready.

After a bit, she was done and went downstairs, where she saw Haley and Aaron. By the defeated look on the man's face, she could tell Haley had persuaded him into letting her go to the bureau by herself.

"Good morning," said the man without even looking up from his paper.

"How did you-" she didn't get to finish her question before he interrupted her.

"You thump when you walk. You should really work on that." He told her with a slight grin on his face.

"You are not funny!"

"Wasn't trying to be"

After a small pause, he started talking again.

"So I've heard you're going to take the bus to the BAU this morning."

"You've heard right," she answered with her hands on her hips and a big smile on her face.

"It would be faster if you started driving that car we got you." the man added.

"Aaron!" Haley scolded as she gave the young girl a small smile.

"No, it's okay." Kayla assured them with a small fake smile. "I like being able to think without being behind the wheel," she pause for a second, "and besides, the bus is much cheaper." the young girl added as she took a bite of an apple and checked her watch, taken aback by the numbers the pointers pierced at.

"With that in mind, I should leave right about... now" she told the couple as she blowed them each a kiss and bolted through the door.

Thankfully she got in the bus and started daydreaming about her first day at work. She hoped her new colleagues would be nice and no one would know about her relations with Hotch. She didn't want anyone treating her differently than they would a normal new agent, so she had asked the man to keep quiet, at least for now, until everyone could make their own minds about her.


Hello my lovelies, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and that it didn't confuse you in any way.

Be prepared for a bunch of Hotch and Michaela moments and don't forget to let me know how you feel about this chapter.

Hope you have a day as great as you!

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