•¥• 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 8 •¥•

264 12 81

A/n: I'm so so so so sorry.


Midnights's Pov:

I had woken up a bit ago and was now at my door.

I held my shaky hand to the knob.

Here goes nothing...

I opened the door.

My dad stood there.

I took a few steps forward and shrunk under his gaze.

"Um... hi..." I started.

And then I got grabbed by my throat and smashed against the wall.

"Fuck!" I yelped.

"You fucking disobeyed me, you worthless piece of shit!" He roared.

"I-I'm sorry, father!" I apologized.

And he kneed me. Over and over and over again in my gut, right where it hurt.

I coughed up blood a few times, then finally, he stopped, only to rain more punches on my face.

"Listen to me! Listen. You are the most annoying trash ass child anyone has ever fucking laid their eyes on. All you do is disobey and annoy and take things. Take, take, take! Me and your mother's time, your friends's time, anyone you've interacted with's time." He paused, then stopped punching me.

"You think people 'care about you'? No. You're unlovable, always have been, no one wants you here. Reputation doesn't care. No one cares. They all pity you. Get the fuck up to your room and I swear to god i'll break something on you if you make a peep. Under. Fucking. Stood?" He said, his voice dropping lower.

"....yes sir..." I said, barely above a whisper as I took in his hate speech.

It was all true.

"What?? Couldn't hear you, fag!" He yelled.

I flinched at the slur but took a deep breath, despite it killing my ribs, and responded. "YES. SIR." I yelled back.

He grabbed my collar and shoved me to the stairs while I shook and limped up them, leaning on the railing.

I got up and locked my door, then pondered what he said.

He wasn't wrong. I'm unlovable. I'm an ass to my friends. No one actually cares, I'm so fucking stupid. I should be dead.

I should be dead.

I got up and crawled over to my dresser, flinging one of my drawers open and getting my sleeping meds out.

I opened the bottle and thought.

Do I wanna do this? Should I leave a note?

No, no one cares about you. Just do it, pussy.

Do it.

And there goes a handful. And another. And another.

As I was taking a ton, my vision blurred and I opened my phone.

I called who I thought was Rep in the groupchat, and waited.

I heard a weird sounding "Hello?" From the other side but figured it was still rep.

"Hey. Just so you know, rep, I love you. Bye. Um. This was kinda inevitable so..." I said hoarsely.

There was some silence before the reply.

"This.. this isn't rep. Midnights, what's happening?" I heard her say.

Oh, fuck me.

"N...nothing..." I said as my eyes felt heavier.

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