Chapter Two: Arabella

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The next day in potions class, Malfoy shows up with his cheek covered in bandages. He tells his story of how he 'almost died' to anyone who will listen. He will do practically anything for attention. No, he will do everything for attention.

There are two more days until the end of the week and I still haven't improved in potions class. I've been behind because of Malfoy ruining my notes and I haven't had time to catch up yet. I have detention with Malfoy for fighting so I will have next-to-no time to re-write my notes tonight. I can barely stand him in class, much less outside of. I'm not sure I will last in detention with him.

"Miss Thomas, are you listening?" Slughorn's voice drags me from my thoughts.

"Sorry, I zoned out."

"Please do make an effort to pay attention in my class." Malfoy snickers.

"Today we will start brewing our Veritaserum. I have already taken the liberty of pouring in the potion water on the new moon since we don't have time to wait for the next one. Now, everyone take out your books and follow the steps written."

I try to follow the steps in my book but I just can't seem to get it right. I accidentally forget to fully stir in the crushed moonstone after every spoonful. I cut the Adder's fork the wrong way, the halves are uneven and the edge where I cut is jagged. Granger tries to help me, noticing I'm struggling, but my potion is too far gone. It is supposed to turn out odourless, colourless, and tasteless but mine is a bright purple and smells like rubbish. I don't even want to test to see if it is truly tasteless.

Slughorn walks around, checking everyone's potion. When he comes across Malfoy's, he says, "Excellent, Mr. Malfoy. Your potion is practically perfect. Well done." Granger huff's when she doesn't get as high of praise, her's has a faint floral smell, probably the moonstone not fully dissolved.

In herbology later, I stand next to Neville. We aren't really friends but we do speak sometimes in class. He helped me out a lot in herbology when I was first adjusting.

"I heard what you did to Malfoy. I -er- thought that was really brave of you." His compliment takes me by surprise.

"Oh, um thanks. He was just getting on my nerves."

"He's just so obnoxious all of the time."

"Right! I just can't even stand—"

"Longbottom! Thomas! No talking right now please?" Neville and I both show evident embarrassment on our faces.

"Thank you, now who can tell me what the name of this plant is?" Grangers hand bolts into the air. "Someone other than Miss Granger, please." Neville hesitantly raises his hand, still shy at times.

"Yes, Mr. Longbottom?"

"It's dittany, also known as dictamnus. It has powerful healing abilities."

"Very good. Five points to Gryffindor."

As I expected, detention with Malfoy is intolerable. It's in the potions classroom, as Slughorn is the head of Slytherin. He left the classroom once we arrived saying he had to go stock his ingredients cupboard.

"I can't believe that I was put in detention with you. I didn't even do anything!" Malfoy has been whining about how he 'shouldn't have detention' for the past few minutes.

"Sure you didn't." I reply.

"It's not my fault you attacked my face. It'll probably leave scars. My poor, beautiful face."

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