Chapter Nine: Arabella

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Shite. Shite. Shite shite shite. Shite!

My body jolts upright in bed as last night replays in my head over and over. His lips on mine, his soft, soft lips. The kiss was amazing.

No! This is a disaster. It's all a mistake.

"Oh gods, what have I done?" I don't realise I spoke out loud until Pansy rolls over in her bed, turning to face me.

"What did you do?" Shite, I can't tell Pansy. She has the biggest crush on Malfoy and would be so hurt if I told her. She can't know, but I don't want to lie...

"Umm—I just had a really strange dream. I was still half asleep when I said that."

"Oh, weird. What was it about?"

"To be honest, I don't even remember."

"'Kay, I'm going back to sleep." She rolls back over and pulls the sheets tighter around her.

How am I going to face Malfoy today? We were supposed to have a tutoring session today since there was quidditch all day yesterday.

I have to tell him it was a mistake. I can't hurt Pansy like that. She's the one with the crush on him, not me. Plus, we are supposed to be sworn enemies, nothing more. But we've become friends, I think, so what is that supposed to mean?

Throwing on my uniform and robes, I decide to go to the breakfast hall. Maybe some food will make my churning stomach better.

Only it doesn't. Malfoy is sitting in the Great Hall when I reach it. He grins at me but it falters once he takes in my expression. I turn around and run out of the halls, my robes billowing behind me. I can't talk to Malfoy right now, I don't even know what to say to him.

Of course, his footsteps follow mine. I keep a brisk pace through the halls when suddenly I'm dragged by my wrist into an empty classroom.

Malfoy shuts the door and turns to face me, standing in front of it to prevent me from escaping.

"Why are you running from me? Is it about the kiss?" Malfoy raises an inquisitive eyebrow at me

"Of course it's about the kiss! It was a mistake! I was high off of adrenaline and I didn't really want to kiss you! It was a huge mistake and it will never happen again."

"Is that what you think? That the kiss was a mistake?" His face looks hurt and I can't bear it. No, I have to go through with this.

"That's what I just said! Isn't it?"

"You know what? Fuck you! I didn't think it was a mistake!" Malfoy raises his voice, becoming increasingly more frustrated with me. His hand runs through his hair, messing up his normally combed-back style.

"God, I enjoyed teasing you," Malfoy continues, his voice softer this time, "I liked even more just talking with you. I thought that maybe we were even becoming friends. And then we kissed and that was just... I don't have words for it. And you really think it was all a mistake?"

"Yes, and I don't need you to tutor me anymore. I'm doing perfectly well in potions by myself!" My voice has become thick with agitation.

"Fine! If that's what you really want!"

"Yes it's what I want!"



I try to push past Malfoy but he doesn't move. I attempt to shove him harder but he still doesn't move. Damn he's strong.

"Move!" He finally moves out of the way and I storm out of the classroom. I only allow the tears to fall once I reach my empty dorm. Pansy and my other roommates are nowhere to be seen, probably at breakfast.

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