Chapter Ten: Draco

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I haven't seen Thomas at all this entire week. I keep pestering Parkinson to let me apologise to her but she never gives in. I cannot stand not seeing Thomas. I never realised how much I enjoyed seeing her until she stopped showing up. I miss seeing her smile, the way her nose scrunches when she laughs. And her eyes. God, her eyes. Her brown eyes. The little flecks of gold. The green rim. They were the first pair that truly saw me for me.

I decide to try my luck again, leaving the Great Hall before Parkinson has left. We haven't been sitting together—she is still mad at me for upsetting Thomas—so she doesn't notice me leave. I walk through the halls until I reach the Slytherin common room, keeping my pace brisk. When I knock on the door of Thomas's dorm, I hear a sniffle.

"Thomas, I know you're in there. Can we please talk?"

"Go away." Her voice barely comes out about a whisper, almost impossible to hear through the thick wooden door.

"Let me in or I will let myself in."

"I said go away!" Fine, if she won't let me in, I will.

"Alohomora." The lock clicks and I open the door slowly. I should really teach her how to cast cincinno so no one can get in. I glance around the room, searching for Thomas. She is curled up in a ball on the floor, leaning against her bed. Her head is tucked into her knees, her hands wrapped around them. When she hears me walk in, she picks her head up.

My heart shatters when I see her face. It is tear streaked, her eyes are puffy, and her face is flushed.

"I said to fucking go away!" Her head drops into her knees again.

"Haven't you learned by now that when I'm told not to do something, I want to do it even more."

"Can't you just leave me alone? Is it your life's mission to make me feel awful?"

"I'm not trying to hurt you, I promise I just want to talk." I sink down to the floor, kneeling before her, and lift her face to look at mine. She tries to pull her face away but I turn it back towards me again. "Please, just listen."

"I guarantee that I don't want to hear anything that comes out of your mouth."

"I just want to apologise. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just so... upset when you said the kiss was a mistake. I mean, looking back now it obviously was. We shouldn't have done it. But can we please, please, please still be friends? I enjoy your company, more than you know." I've never felt the need to apologise to anyone, but maybe it's different with Arabella. Seeing how hurt she was by me, I feel like she deserves an apology.

"I don't know Malfoy. We end up arguing a lot, and you scare me sometimes."

"I scare you? In what ways?" I didn't realise I was scaring her and certainly wasn't doing it on purpose.

"When you yell, or slam your fist on doors. I dunno, you just are frightening sometimes."

"Oh..." I wouldn't have done any of that if I realised it scared her. "Well, I promise I won't yell at you anymore, or slam my fist onto the door. And I'll try my best not to frighten you."

"I'm still not sure. I think I just need to be alone for a while. I need to focus on my schoolwork."

"Well, I can help you study, I'll tutor you in potions."

"Pansy already said she would help me with potions."

"Parkinson doesn't know jackshite about potions, you can't really expect her to help you."

"Well, I'm doing fine on my own." We are silent for a minute, just looking at each other.

"Why are you skipping classes, Thomas? I haven't even seen you eating in the Great Hall either."

"Not that it concerns you, but Pansy has taken notes for me and she's been smuggling me food. I just didn't want to see you, that's why I've been skipping."

"You hate me so much that you would rather get behind in your classes than see me?"

She pauses a moment before answering, "Yes. Now leave." Do I really bother her that much? She would rather fall behind in class than see me?

"Fine. But I expect to see you in class next week."

"You're not my dad!" I chuckle at her before turning and leaving, closing her door behind me. I hear her get up and lock it immediately after. 


Thomas showed up to class today but she isn't speaking to me. She now sits next to Nott and Riddle in potions class, all of them sitting on the opposite side of the room than me. Riddle leans over and whispers something into Thomas's ear, making her laugh. I want to be the one whispering in her ear. I want to be the one making her laugh.

I hate Mattheo Riddle almost as much as I hated his father. He was a death eater too but his father never forced him to do impossible tasks. His father never forced him to kill Voldemort.

I write Please talk to me -Draco on a piece of parchment. I fold it into an origami crane, enchanting it to fly, and blow it into the air. My eyes watch the crane as it dances through the air before landing directly in front of Thomas, exactly where I wanted it. She just pushes it off her desk onto the floor, directing a glare at me.

The rest of potions class is the same, Slughorn drones on, the newfound trio share secrets and inside jokes. I've never been the jealous type, then again I've always gotten what I want. Right now all I want is for Thomas to speak to me again. I can't stand watching her talk with Riddle and Nott. I barely tolerate Nott and I despise Riddle.

When class ends, I immediately leave the room, not sticking around to see if Thomas and Riddle walk together through the halls.

I know you don't care at all

Please don't ask how I been

I ain't hear from you in months

So don't call me a friend when you're not

Author's note:

What do you think will happen with Arabella and Draco?

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