Chapter Eleven: Arabella

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November comes and goes and soon enough it is only one week until Christmas break. I wasn't really planning on going home for Christmas break. I've already sent them an owl to tell my parents that I'm not going to visit. I've decided to stay and work on improving my marks in potions class.

I'm still ignoring Malfoy, still too embarrassed and upset to speak to him. It's proven difficult to avoid him all together though as we share all our classes and the same common room. I've taken to studying in my dorm instead of the common room just to avoid him.

I secretly collected the origami crane from the floor after potions class on Monday. I've read it a million times over. So many times that I've memorised his neat scrawl. The way his letters tilt to the right, the way his 'l' has a slight loop in it, the way his 't' curves up at the end. But I still can't talk to Malfoy yet. I'm not ready to.

I'm currently in the astronomy tower, gazing at the stars. The sun has almost set and the sky still has traces of orange and pinks. I have a little more than one hour until curfew and I'm making the most of it.

The astronomy tower has always been one of my favourite places in hogwarts. The stars interest me very much. They each have a story behind how they came to be. Astronomy class is by far the class I look forward to the most.

I'm still lost in thought when someone beside me says, "Beautiful, isn't it?" The voice startles me and I jump. Turning to look at the person next to me, I notice it's a boy around my age. He's a Ravenclaw, I can tell by his tie.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Enzo."He holds his hand out and it takes me a moment to realise he's expecting me to shake it. I take his hand and his grip is firm yet gentle. I expected him to shake it, but instead he brings my hand to his lips, brushing them gently against my knuckles causing me to blush.

"Arabella," I barely manage to get my name out, still reeling over what just happened.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I should have expected it." I blush even more at his compliment.

"You are such a flirt!"

"I can't deny the truth," he shrugs and gives me a wide grin.

"What year are you?"

"Eighth, what about you?"

"Same as well." We turn back to face the stars, standing a little closer now.

"I love to watch the stars. They're all so beautiful and bright."

"Stars have always intrigued me because they all have stories. They come from different places and backgrounds yet they all come together to form a stunning masterpiece."

"Wow, even your words are beautiful." I giggle a little, then scold myself for doing so. God, I sound like a first year.

Enzo and I keep talking for a while, he keeps complimenting me as well. After talking with him, I realise that he's very intelligent. I mean, I should have known because he's a Ravenclaw but I didn't want to stereotype.

The bell tower rings in the distance, signalling curfew. Shite, I lost track of time.

"We have to go or we'll get in trouble."

"Nothing fun is ever without a little trouble." He winks at me and grins that lopsided smile again. My heart beat increases.

"Come on," He takes my hand gently and leads me from the tower. We run through the halls together, almost getting busted by Filch at one point, until we reach the Slytherin common room.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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