Chapter Eight: Draco

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"Are you sure you can't tell me what I owe you?"

"100%. I will tell you once I need to." I still don't know what I will have her owe me, making her think that I do is extremely entertaining. She keeps on pestering me about it and I just smirk every time. It's been such fun and it's kept me entertained.

"All Players, report to your keeper zone. Gryffindor is closer to Hogwarts and Slytherin is on the far side." The announcer's voice booms through the stadium.

"I guess that's my cue. Bye Malfoy," Thomas bolts off, mounting her broom mid run, and flying towards the far side. Theodore is already waiting by the hoops as well as Goyle. Shortly after all the chasers show up: Zabini, Riddle, and Montague. Then the keeper shows up last, Pansy.

Everyone has mounted their brooms and are hovering in front of the hoops. The announcer introduces all of the players as it is the first match of the season. I make my way to the stands, taking my spot in the front of the Slytherin section. I stand next to Davis, Greengrass, and another slytherin girl that I can never remember her name. Greengrass cheers loudly in my ear. I think she's one of Thomas's roommates. The announcer continues introducing all the players, leaving the seekers for last.

"And last but certainly not least, our seekers! We have Harry Potter from Gryffindor, and Arabella Thomas from Slytherin! Give it up for our fabulous teams!" Loud cheers erupt from the stands beside me. My gaze never strays to Potter, I only have eyes for Thomas.

The quaffle is thrown into the air and the game begins. Thomas bolts off, searching for the golden snitch. Her firebolt speeds through the air as she darts past the stands. She circles the pitch a few times, going high and low, until her eyes lock on a small golden object hovering in the air. It's on the far side of the pitch, hovering by the Slytherin hoops.

Her firebolt speeds through the air as she leans forward. Potter notices her at full speed and chases after her. They chase the snitch side by side, almost bumping into each other.

Cheers erupt from the Gryffindor stands. Someone has scored a goal, I pay no attention. My eyes stay on Thomas.

"Katie Bell has just scored a goal for Gryfindor!" The Gryffindor stand erupts in cheers as the scoreboard is adjusted to say 10-0.

Thomas speeds up and reaches her hand out for the snitch. She almost falls off of her broom and I flinch.

"Nervous, Malfoy?" Greengrass says.

"Not even in the slightest." Liar.

Inching forward slowly on her broom, Thomas attempts to grab the golden snitch. My knuckles are white as I grip the edge of the stands. The slytherin stands have gone eerily quiet, everyone waiting to see what will happen.

Potter reaches out to grab the snitch but only brushes his fingers against it. He inches forward on his broom but quickly becomes unsteady, almost losing control of his broom. He has to slow down to resume control.

Thomas takes the opportunity to reach out and her hand clasps around the snitch. She holds it up in the air and pumps her fist all with a wide smile on her face. The stands erupt in cheers and I clap my hands loudly, proud of her achievement.

"Thomas has caught the golden snitch! That's 150 points to Slytherin! That might have been one of the fastest matches we've ever had!" I smile at Thomas and she smiles back.

There is a small party in the slytherin common room that evening. Zabini and Nott are holding Thomas up on their shoulders. She has a wide smile that reaches her eyes and her face is bright red, flushed from flying in the cold air.

The Slytherins have all gathered around, cheering for the team. Everyone is bumping into each other and jumping up and down. I stay back, not wanting to be touched with any of their slimy hands. I can still see Thomas from here though and that's enough for me.

I have a small grin on my face, happy that Slytherin has won for once. Thomas directs her gaze to me and sticks out her tongue. She hops down from Zabini and Nott's shoulders, almost stumbling. I quickly catch her by the waist to stop her fall and she doesn't seem to mind.

"And you thought that I was terrible at quidditch."

"Well, I suppose you have proven me wrong." Thomas glances down to where my hands still rest on her waist and I quickly remove them.

"Er—sorry. I thought you were going to fall." We stare at each other in silence, and for a moment I think we might kiss.

But the moment quickly dissipates when someone yells about beer. Thomas's happy face quickly turns sour.

"I hate when people bring alcohol to these things. I don't need it to have a good time."

"I agree. We should be celebrating the win, not drinking out of our minds." She nods her approval and for some reason it means everything to me.

"I think I'm going to leave, I'm a bit tired."

"Yeah, I think I'll leave too. Congrats on your win by the way." She smiles at me before turning around. Thomas and I go opposite ways, her to the girl's side, me to the boys.

Once I reach my dorm, I begin changing. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt from my dresser and slip out of my clothes, glad to be free from my black suit.

I'm halfway through changing, just wearing my sweatpants, when I hear a knock on the door. Expecting it to be Zabini, I open it. I'm surprised when I find Thomas standing there. She's still in her quidditch uniform, and Merlin's beard. I don't know why I like the way she looks in it so much. I've never been affected by Parkinson wearing her quidditch uniform, but this is different. Thomas just looks so... I don't even have words for it. Attractive?

Her face is still flushed from the match and she's looking at me in a way I've never seen her look before. She glances briefly at my bare chest and turns even redder.

"Thomas, what—" I don't get to finish because her lips are on mine. They are soft and gentle and sweet. I relish the feeling, wanting it to last forever. But then she's pulling away. Her brown eyes gaze into mine, seeking confirmation, before I pull her mouth back to mine.

My eyes close in ecstasy, wanting and longing for more. I pull her farther into my dorm, careful not to break the kiss, and shut my door, locking it. I point my wand at the door and murmur "cincinno" against her lips.

She puts her hands into my hair, tugging at it lightly making me moan. My hands find their place on her waist, pulling her closer.

My lips move over hers in a dance, I'm leading and she's following. We both keep giving and taking. I walk backwards and my legs hit the edge of my bed. I pull her towards me and we both fall back onto the bed. She laughs against my lips. I immediately pull them back onto mine, missing the friction.

The kiss is intense and all consuming, I never want it to end. All my feelings for Arabella that I've been denying finally are clear.

I want Arabella.

Yeah, so tell me girl if every time we touch

You get this kind of rush

Baby, say, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

If you don't wanna take it slow

And you just wanna take me home

Baby, say, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

And let me kiss you

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