Chapter 4 - Eugene | Sheldon

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   Eugene wanted to be mad. He wanted to punish Squidward for what he'd just said to him, but...

   He's gonna tear me restaurant up!!

   He feigned confidence the best he could and stood firm, but as he went to say something, finger held up and chest raised high, the doors of the Krusty Krab opened and revealed Plankton to be wielding a comically giant, typical machine of mass destruction when he stopped himself at the door, noticing the oddly shaken up Eugene and the oddly ravenous Squidward, seemingly about to rip Eugene to shreds.

   " this a bad time?"

   Eugene looked over at Sheldon and silently pleaded for him to take him away from the usually burnt out cashier, who was now foaming at the mouth. Sheldon quizzically directed the nozzle of the machine towards Squidward, which instantly fixed his hostility back to panic, but before he could react, he was sent flying through a wooden wall, shoved through by a giant beam of red light. Though somewhat mortified by the costs to even fix the wall, Eugene picked Sheldon up, making him drop his weapon to the floor, and squeezed him firmly against his chest.

   "Oh thank Neptune! Ya saved me life Sheldon!"

   He spun him around until the poor guy felt like hurling, but as he slowed down, he caught a glimpse of Krabs's joy and suddenly the urge became void. Eugene eventually came to a halt and stopped to look down at him before setting him back to the ground, coughing into his claw awkwardly.

   "Uh...sorry 'bout that Shel- uh, Plankton...just...grateful is all."

   Eugene gave him an apologetic, sheepish smile.

   "Oh don't worry about it. Next time, just keep the claws to yourself."

   SpongeBob took the opportunity to immediately begin fixing up the wall so Squidward couldn't barge in and attack him. He, for some reason, failed to think about the unlocked front doors.

   "If SpongeBob can't manage to fix me door, yer payin' fer the damages."

   "You wish Krabs, I'm too evil for that. Besides, we both know I didn't major in economics."

   Eugene let out a hearty laugh before looking back towards his office door.

   "Well Plankton, ya failed yet again. I'll see ya when yer newest scheme rolls around."

   Plankton paused for a moment, as if something was holding him back from leaving when suddenly, Eugene felt a tiny stub shift onto his leg. He looked down to see Plankton looking up at him. The brief eye contact made Plankton jolt a little, surprised by his own decisions, and backed off.

  What logical reason could I possibly have had to just- what was I even thinking?? C'mon, what to say, what to say...!

   "Uh...Plankton? Did ya need somethin' from me? Ya don't already have another scheme brewin' do ya?"

   "Why yes! I- I do! I was just going to...take out this feather! And...and tickle you with it...?

   Eugene raised a brow, clearly holding in a chuckle of confusion and a little endearment before speaking.

   "And what exactly would that do?"

   "W-well it would torture you until you reveal the formula to me of course! Duh..."

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