Malik was happy that Nova decided to stay. He did not feel bad about tricking her to get there. Outside of stalking her and showing up wherever she did, he had no other options.
She looked amazing, dressed down, but so on brand for her. She did not need to be glammed up in designer clothes, or tight dresses. Jeans and a loose-fitting shirt, her twists pulled off her face in a ponytail. He could not tell if she was wearing makeup, her skin was always smooth and flawless. That was one thing he loved about her.
Her skin. The glow. The rich ebony skin, so opposite of his pale skin. He wanted to lay naked next to her, their skin creating a contrast that would look like yin and yang. Artwork, or something more precious. Soulmates.
"I'm not even hungry now," Nova said pushing away her menu.
"Because of me? Nova, let's just start this all over, like we just met, and do things over."
"Yeah!" Davina said, jumping in. "Like you two are on a blind date. You just now met each other for the first time. You look at each other for the first time, and what do you feel? Attraction?"
Yes, he said to himself. He was always attracted to Nova, even before he developed feelings for her. He thought she was beautiful, but she never saw the beauty in herself. And it wasn't that other guys were not trying to ask her out, he kept them away. He should tell her that.
"Nova, I think you're beautiful," he said to her, playing along. "Nice to meet you."
Nova grunted and signaled for the waiter with her hand.
The waiter was at their table with a touchscreen tablet. "You all ready to order?"
There restaurant was only half full, and everyone else seemed to be on dates. Davina said Noelle picked the place, but to him, it did not seem romantic enough. He could tell his sister was already smitten by Noelle because she kept blushing.
"No food for me, but I would love a mango peach margarita...and keep them coming!"
He raised his eyebrow at Nova, and she gave him a stank face back. He chuckled and ordered a Vanilla Russian with an extra shot of Absolut. If Nova wanted to get turnt, he could match her drink for drink.
"You want to share an appetizer with me?" Davina asked Noelle.
"Yeah, long as that's not all you're eating."
"Heck no! I like to eat! But I have cut out red meat. I have to watch what I eat cuz a girl gotta stay in shape."
Noelle chuckled. "I'll watch your shape. You look good."
"Well girl, we can't all be naturally thin like you. You can share this Artichoke-Spinach Fondue with me. And then I think I will try the shrimp po'boy with the side Caesar salad."
"Ooo yes, a girl after my heart. You love seafood as much as I do?"
"I make the best fried catfish! I'm going to have to invite you over next time I make it."
"I'm there. Give me the ahi tuna wrap and fries."
His sister and Noelle were getting along fine, but Nova would barely look at him. He wanted to order something to eat too because he was starving, but if Nova was not eating, he wouldn't either.
"You sure you don't want to order something, Nova? It's on me."
"I'm good."
As they sat there waiting for their drinks, he stared at Nova trying to get her to make eye contact with him, but she had her head in her phone, scrolling through it. How could he make this right if she didn't even look at him? What could he say?

This November✔️
RomanceNovember Hollands wanted the bad boy next door for years, but when he rejects her and leaves town after high school, she finds someone that does care for her. Malik Hunter has become the celebrity he always wanted to be but still hates that he misse...