The Ambush

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Steve frowned at his phone as he looked at the messages from Shasha.
A strange man got into the taxi with me

What are you okay

I'm fine
But he looks weird and is heading your way
I don't think he has anything with me
I think he has something against the Zaibatsu

Oh gosh

Call for backup just in case
We're getting close
Steve ran to Lars and got his attention. "Lars, where's Jin? I think we're gonna have some company today."
"Company? You're inviting more guests?" Lars asked, half amused as he filled a paper cup with lemonade.
"I don't think this guest is invited," Steve frowned as he watched Lars bring the cup to his lips. "He just invaded Shasha's taxi."
Lars spat his drink out in surprise. "What?! Oh no, this guy isn't coming in peace, is he..."
"I don't think so," Steve shook his head. "I feel like we should call for backup."
Lars nodded and handed the cup to Steve, who looked at it in dismay, and took his phone out to call members of the Tekken Force.
"Wear the best armour you've got, I don't want to lose any more of our members," Lars grimaced at the situation. "And suit up with the best weapons."
Steve stopped him there. "No! Don't shoot! He may take her as hostage."
Lars gasped and turned back to the phone. "Don't yet, suspect may have a hostage. It's Shasha."
"Copy that," a voice said on the other end.
The Mishimas arrived at that moment, wearing smiles on their faces despite the seriousness of the situation.
"Get Jin," Lars whispered to the blond. "Try to pull him aside to not worry the couple."
Steve nodded and ran off. He walked up to Jin, who smiled at his parents as they stopped by the banners to take photos, and pulled him aside. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Sure," Jin nodded.
Steve sighed. "I think we have company. Jin, Shasha just texted me to say that a weird guy just got into the cab with her."
"What? Who?" Jin immediately turned serious. "Is she okay? Who is he?"
"No clue. But he got in with her as soon as he heard that she was headed here."
Jin frowned and turned to Lars as he came up. "We have to go down. Now." The older man said. "Who knows what he's planning."
"I'm more worried for Shasha," Steve said as he followed the other man out.
Jin turned to look at his parents, who were now done with the pictures. He locked eyes with Jun for a moment and found her looking straight at him, her eyes laced with a curious mixture of fear and bravery. She nodded at Jin, a determined look on her face. Jin nodded back and hurried out of the room to join the other two that had run off.
"I'm calling Hwoarang," Steve said, swiping through his list of contacts to find said man's name as he walked alongside them. "He can help keep things in order in the hall."
"Not a good choice, but he's our only hope," Lars shrugged. "Let's go."

Shasha gathered the three bouquets and got out of the car, perching herself beside it to see if the strange man would get down or not. He eventually did and stared down at her, his gaze evidently falling on the large bouquets of flowers.
"You going for a wedding or something?" The man asked, crossing his arms.
"You here to cause trouble or something?" Shasha countered, glaring at him.
"What brings you to the Zaibatsu?" The man countered back.
Shasha frowned. "That's something I should be asking."
The man let out a soft chuckle and shook his head as he turned towards the building, silently regarding it as he stood. Shasha didn't know why, but this didn't seem like his first time in front of it.
"Who are you?" Shasha's asked, how disgusted.
The man sighed. "You just ruined the moment."
"Stay where you are," a voice suddenly bellowed. The two turned to look at an army of Tekken Force soldiers holding them at gunpoint. One of them motioned for Shasha. "Miss, get behind us, please."
Shasha heaved a sigh of relief and gave the strange man a glare before going over to the Tekken force. Steve, Jin, and Lars caught up just then.
"You okay?" Steve asked, looking concerned.
"I'm fine, but I don't know who he is," Shasha said. "It doesn't seem like he's new here... he seems familiar with this place."
Jin frowned and turned to look at the strange man, stepping through the soldiers to confront him. The man's stance visibly changed, though there was only a subtle difference.
"Kazama Jin," the man called. "So you run this place."
Jin frowned. "We don't wish to find any trouble, we're trying to host a party at the moment."
"A party? What party?" The man grew a little tensed. "A party without me? You're partying without me?!"
Lars stepped forward. "Look, we have no idea what is it that you want from us. Is this a revenge story or something? Because if that's the case, couldn't you pick another day?"
A limousine suddenly drove up and pulled up beside the commotion. A concerned Anna and Lee stepped out and came over in surprise.
"Is something wrong? Who is this punk?" Lee asked, cradling his daughter.
The man turned to look at Lee. "Whose baby is that?"
"Who else's?" Lee frowned, placing a hand on Tori's head as he snuggled her closer to his body. "This is my daughter."
"Daughter?" The man was taken aback. "So much has happened in so little time?"
Anna came forward and stood beside Lee, armed with a bazooka. "Stand back, Honey." Lee looked a little surprised but did as she said. "Don't you come a step closer to my family, you psycho."
"Aww!" Shasha smiled. "You guys are so adorable." Anna couldn't help but smile at her remark.
"Your family? Alright, this is getting out of hand." The man turned back to the soldiers. "Just let me in. I won't put up a fight. Not anymore, at least."
"So you came over with the intention of a fight, then?" Everyone with the exception of the Tekken Force turned to see Kazuya exiting the building. "Why are you here?"
The man tensed slightly at the sight of Kazuya. "Mishima Kazuya. I didn't expect to see you here."
Kazuya's face was void of any emotion, though his red eye twitched just the slightest. "Is this a prank?" He turned to Jin and Lars. "You two, are you guys trying to pull a prank on me? Again?!"
Lars shook his head. "Nope, this is definitely uncalled for. We have nothing to do with this, Kaz."
"Kaz?!" The stranger blurted out in surprise. "Alright, I've had enough of this."
Jun ran out of the building and went towards Kazuya, linking arms with him.
"Is this real?" Kazuya asked without looking away from the old man. "Or is this an illusion?"
Without skipping a beat, Anna took the man by surprise and tackled him to the ground. Once she had him pinned, she forcefully ripped the mask off his face. What stared back at them was something that no one was expecting....

Okay, maybe not completely unexpected because I'm sure some of you already know who's hiding under that mask😏😏

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