𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟑

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The forest clearing was eerily silent, the tension from the battle still hanging in the air like a heavy mist. Carlisle approached Aveline cautiously, his expression tinged with guilt and regret. The Volturi guard, led by Caius, had already departed, leaving behind only Aro and Marcus, who stood waiting for her. Their figures, though still, radiated a sense of authority and inevitability.

Carlisle sighed softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke. "I'm so sorry, Aveline." His eyes, filled with an earnest plea for forgiveness, searched her face, hoping to find some reassurance that she didn't hold him accountable for what had transpired.

Aveline, sensing his turmoil, offered him an almost imperceptible smile—one that was more in her eyes than on her lips. "I suspected something like this would happen, and I still accepted to answer your plea. It's not on you." Her tone was firm yet gentle, a testament to the respect she held for Carlisle, despite the circumstances.

Carlisle nodded, though the weight of his guilt was far from lifted. He watched as Aveline turned to leave, the inevitability of her fate pressing down on them both like a suffocating blanket. But before she could take a step, a gentle hand rested on her shoulder, halting her in her tracks.

Aveline turned, slightly startled by the unexpected touch, and found herself looking into the solemn yet warm eyes of Vladimir. His presence was both surprising and comforting, though she could see Stefan standing a short distance behind him, his expression one of clear disapproval.

"Good luck," Vladimir said, his voice low and sincere. His gaze bore into hers with an intensity that made her feel as if he could see into the deepest corners of her soul. "If you ever need anything, a place to take refuge in or simply a moment of peace, my home is always open to you," he added, a small but genuine smile curving his lips.

Aveline blinked, taken aback by the offer. She had long thought that the Romanians harbored nothing but hatred for the Volturi and those associated with them. The idea of receiving an offer of sanctuary from Vladimir was... unexpected.

Stefan, however, was quick to break the moment. He scoffed loudly, his disdain evident. "That's not happening," he said flatly, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Vladimir, as though the very idea was an insult to him.

Vladimir's eyes flashed with anger, his usually calm demeanor cracking under the weight of Stefan's insolence. He turned to his companion, fury evident in the tightening of his jaw and the darkening of his expression. "You are only a leader if I were to die, Stefan. Don't kid yourself into thinking you can change my decision." His words were sharp, like the edge of a blade, leaving no room for argument.

Stefan stiffened, but wisely chose not to push further. Instead, he settled for glaring at Aveline, his look promising nothing but trouble in the future.

Vladimir, ignoring Stefan's hostility, turned back to Aveline. His gaze softened once more as he nodded at her, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between them in such a short time. Aveline, despite Stefan's deadly look, returned the nod, her expression one of gratitude and determination.

"Thank you," she whispered, the words almost lost to the breeze, but Vladimir heard them, and he nodded again, this time more firmly, as if to reassure her that his offer was genuine.

Aveline finally turned away, her gaze drifting toward the waiting Volturi Kings. As she approached them, Aro's face lit up with an unsettling glee, his eyes practically sparkling with delight. "Ready to go, dear?" he asked, his tone dripping with sweetness that only made Aveline's skin crawl.

She couldn't help the instinctive once-over she gave him, her eyes scanning him from head to toe as if sizing him up. Aro noticed, of course, and giggled—a sound that seemed oddly out of place in the grim aftermath of the battle. To him, it was apparently the funniest thing in the world.

"Yes, Aro," she finally answered, her voice steady but laced with an undercurrent of resignation.

Marcus, who had been observing the interaction in silence, shook his head with an amused smile. His eyes softened as he regarded Aveline, a silent understanding passing between them. He extended his hand toward her, his gesture simple yet significant. "Shall we?" he asked, a small smile playing on his lips.

Aveline looked down at his hand, then back up at him, her own lips curling into a faint but genuine smile. Without hesitation, she interlocked her hand with his, the contact sending a strange but not unwelcome warmth through her. Together, they turned toward Aro, who looked on with a knowing smile, and the three of them departed in a blur, leaving the clearing—and the remnants of the battle—far behind.

As they sped away, Aveline found herself looking back, her gaze searching for Vladimir. When her eyes found him, standing stoically beside Stefan, she felt a strange tugging at her heart—a sensation that was both unfamiliar and unsettling. It gnawed at her as they disappeared into the distance, but she forced herself to focus on what lay ahead. Whatever it was, she would have to confront it later. For now, her attention was on the two Volturi Kings, whose presence promised a future that was as uncertain as it was inevitable.

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