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I can kill and die for you hyung...
My love for you started long time ago but you make me believe that I was stupid to love you but now when I realized that I can't deny that I love you I got to know one more thing that my lobe for you crossed the limit of sanity...now my love for you is insane...
Jungkook said all seriously while Taehyung forgot how to breathe...

Kook you...

Yes Mr Kim Taehyung my love for you is insane...


You have doubt?

N...no...but....you really can die?


Then what if I ask you to jump from here?

Jungkook was a bit hesitant but soon he firmly said...
Ok if you want this then I'll jump from here...
He lift his right leg and put near edge and saw the height... cars were going here and there...
He breathed a good amount of air and closed his eyes, spreading his hands he lifted his leg to jump...
Is this my fate? Am I really going to die like this? Yeah maybe this is my punishment for loving him...

But before he could jump he felt a force and fell the otherside but not on the floor...
He opened his eyes only to see that he was on the top of Taehyung who's eyes were closed and his hands were on Jungkook's waist securing him and Jungkook's hands were on his heart where he could feel his heartbeats...
Taehyung was still so Jungkook decided to be selfish just for some seconds he decided to hear his heart not his mind and he put his head on Taehyung's chest...
Both were feeling eachother's embrace after so long so they didn't speak....
Their hearts were beating in sync...
After almost ten minutes Taehyung opened his eyes...
Kook! I'm sorry...I am sorry for everything and I'm sorry for asking you to jump from there...but when you stepped ahead I was scared...I feel my world stopped so I pulled you...I'm s..soo..sorry...

And this was the first time Jungkook saw Taehyung scared? Or it was also an act?
But for some reason he decided to ignore all his feelings and just hugged him...

It's OK hyung...

Kook! Let's go...

He grabbed his hand and lead him to lift...soon they reached to a hall where all media was waiting for Mr Kim Taehyung...

He took the mic...
And Jungkook looked him a bit confused...

Hello Everyone! I'm glad you all came here...today I'm going to announce a very important news related to my life but before that you all will witness a very important moment...

And Jimin came ahead and handed a small box to Taehyung and Taehyung turned toward Jungkook who had no idea what was going on so he saw him...

Taehyung took his left hand in his hand...
Jeon Jungkook I Kim Taehyung did many horrible things to you...I've hurted you...broke you and your trust...but today I am here on my knees only for you...and infront of the world I'm saying this...
I love you Jeon Jungkook...WILL YOU MARRY ME?

Jungkook was Jungshook...he was shocked will be understatement...he was debating in his mind... is it real? Why this person giving me shocks today? He is proposing me? Infront of everyone? Is this his new game? And Marriage? Hah he wants marriage now?
Wow Mr Kim you are really a good player...now started to play like this? By proposing me? Do you think it's a game and you'll play again and again? No not again this time you are giving me chances again and again to make you realize that, this world doesn't revolve around you...

Taehyung was a little scared that what if Jungkook denied and Jungkook was too silent to make his fear true...so he once again called his name...

Jungkook came out of his thoughts and smiled...

Now Taehyung was not sure what he heard...

I said yes Mr Kim Taehyung I will marry you...
And with that Taehyung put a ring in Jungkook's ring finger which was beautiful but for Jungkook that ring was burning his heart...that ring was a weight on his heart but deep down he was admiring Taehyung's choice it was not a heavy but a very simple and elegant ring and his heart was telling him to believe in Taehyung's words...

Jimin was the first one to congratulate them and after that reporters also congratulated them and in Kim Mansion Mrs Lee was watching this on news she was smiling while IU was burning but soon she smiled cunningly because something was again cooking in her mind...

After party Taehyung and Jungkook was in car when Jungkook said...

Hyung ! Today I want to spend time with my family...

It's okay kook! Let's go I'll drop you at your home...
Jungkook was not expecting this from Taehyung but when he agreed without any discussion this was one more confusion in Jungkook's heart...but he again ignored his heart and decided to talk with his noona...
When they reached at his door Jungkook was about to go but Taehyung stopped him...

Kook I'll miss you...so please try to come soon ok...and one more thing our marriage date is final...

Whatt? When?

Relax! Kook don't worry if you are not comfortable...I'll postpone...

No I need to finish all this as soon as possible...
No hyung I was surprised that's it...? When is the date?

After ten days...

Oh then we have plenty of time...for shopping and all ...

Yes we have but you come soon ok...?

Ok hyung I'll come back tomorrow evening...

That's good...then we will decide things tomorrow...

Good night hyung...
Jungkook ran inside without hearing more from the person whose persona changed 180 degree in just one month but Jungkook was not aware of the reason...

Good night love...
Taehyung whispered and drove away...



Tomorrow is my last exam and here I'm posting for you guys....
Please show some love🥺🙆🏻‍♀️💜
This story will be next bcz I'm so excited to write this one but not getting time...

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