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Taehyung sat in the hospital waiting room, his hands trembling as he stared blankly at the ICU doors where Jungkook was undergoing surgery. The sterile smell of the hospital, the sound of beeping machines, and the frantic footsteps of doctors rushing by blurred into the background. His mind was consumed with one thought—
this is all my fault...

He buried his face in his hands, unable to shake the image of Jungkook shielding him from Dong Wook's attack just hours earlier. The flash of the knife, the blood, the look of pain in Jungkook’s eyes—it all replayed in his head like a nightmare he couldn’t escape from.

I should’ve done something... I should’ve protected him better...
Taehyung muttered to himself, his voice hoarse...Why did I let him get hurt? Why didn’t I stop his father sooner?

Taehyung’s mother, gently placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him, but he pulled away, guilt overwhelming him....
If something happens to him, I’ll never forgive myself mom... he whispered, eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Every second felt like an eternity as Taehyung paced up and down the hallway, unable to sit still. He glanced at the clock on the wall—each tick of the second hand seemed louder, heavier, mocking him as time stretched unbearably.

The doors to the ICU finally swung open, and a doctor approached, still wearing his scrubs. Taehyung’s heart stopped as he rushed forward, desperate for any news....
How is he? Please... tell me he’s okay...

The doctor’s expression was calm but serious....
He’s stable, but the wound was deep. He lost a lot of blood, and we had to operate immediately to repair the damage. The next 24 hours are critical....

Taehyung nodded, barely registering the words. All he could focus on was the sight of Jungkook lying unconscious in that cold, sterile room, tubes and wires connected to his frail body.

I need to see him...
Taehyung said, his voice cracking.

The doctor hesitated for a moment before nodding...
You can see him, but only for a few minutes. He needs to rest...

Taehyung walked into the ICU slowly, his breath hitching when he saw Jungkook lying there, so still and pale. His heart clenched as he sat beside him, gently taking his hand...
I'm so sorry, kook... This shouldn't have happened. I promised to protect you, and I failed...

Tears began to fall freely now...
I never wanted you to get hurt, not like this. If I could take your place, I would, in a heartbeat. Please… please wake up. I need you...

Taehyung’s guilt was suffocating. He sat there, holding Jungkook’s hand, praying for a miracle, his heart heavy with the weight of his failure...
Suddenly machines started to make a weird beeping sound and Jungkook was struggling, doctors rushed inside pushing Taehyung out...who was startled by the situation....

After two months.....

Mrs. Jeon stood in front of the grave, her expression unreadable, as the cool breeze rustled through the trees. She had been standing there for what felt like hours, staring at the headstone... Beside her, Yuna held a single white rose, her fingers trembling. A lone tear escaped Yuna's eye, but she made no effort to wipe it away. The grief was raw....
Lara was also with them...
She slowly whispered to Yuna... I miss Kookoo...
Yuna smiled at that and ruffled the kid's hair...As they stood by the grave now, Lara was too young to fully understand the gravity of what had happened.


Dong Wook had died on that terrible day when everything had spiraled out of control. Hyun Shik, had arrived at the wedding in a crazed attempt to "fix" things. He had come for blood, and Dong Wook had foolishly intervened, driven by anger and bitterness. But the conflict took a tragic turn when, in a moment of panic, Hyun Shik had killed Dong Wook by his gun. The rage and violence that erupted on that day had torn apart more than just life; it shattered families and left scars no time could heal.

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