Number One

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"I said I'm coming!" I shouted as the same annoying knocking sound came from outside my door. I quickly finished braiding the rest of my hair and took a glance at the mirror in front of me. The dark bags under my eyes were hard to cover up, even with the amount of concealer they decided to put on me. As I have heard before, I needed to look more presentable, and apparently, having two cuts over my brow and a broken rib didn't help my case.

"Annabelle!" I heard my mother yell again as I reached to unlock the door. She stormed inside not giving me a second before she spoke up again. "Chop, chop, child. Come on," she emphasized the last part putting her hands together and rushing me. I sighed and rolled my eyes at her before grabbing the leather jacket she left for me on the chair in my room.

"What's with the rush?" I asked with a noticeable frown. She looked at me from under her round sunglasses and smirked as we kept walking. She reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers earning a confused look from me.

"I was going to take you to a meeting," she said trying to hold her amusement. "I want to show you something," she finished, perfecting the hat on her head. I stopped immediately and stared at her for a second.

"Why?" I said, my voice filled with curiosity. "If it's another one of those where they discuss protocol bullshit..." I said under my breath. I started walking faster as she suddenly pulled my hand away from hers.

"Hey, language," she raised her voice, not bothering to turn in my direction. She glanced at the watch on her left wrist and nodded at me to walk faster. "You won't go anywhere if we are late," she finished off.

I didn't respond as my feet fastened their pace to catch up to her. When we finally reached the end of the corridor, she stopped right before the door. Her hand rested on the door handle and she turned to face me.

"I'm taking you in so you learn, no funny business," the sudden seriousness on her face stang me a little. She turned her full body to me and lowered herself a little to reach for my braided hair. She caressed it a bit before letting go of it and touching my cheek. It wasn't particularly gentle, but she was never the one to show much affection.

"I know," I reassured her with a hard voice. I raised my hand to hold her and take it off my cheek. "I'll keep quiet and listen," I repeated, with a slight pout on my face.

"Your actions will reflect on both of us, I hope you know that," she said and I rolled my eyes slightly.

"I know, Mom," I said with a little tremble in my voice.

"I put a lot of responsibility on you," she said before I could try to reach for the handle again. "And I know you can handle it, so show them you can," her voice was harsher now, her gentleness disappearing completely. "Show me you can.".

She finally stepped away from the door allowing me to reach for the handle and walk inside. I did not look back before stepping inside and closing the door behind me. To my surprise, only one person was sitting by the small desk on the other side of the room. I cleared my throat and the chair slowly spun around. I was faced with the one and only, Herb.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

"Annabelle, come in, please," he said sweetly. now don't get me wrong, I love Herb, he is an absolute sweetheart. But the last time I got an assignment from him, I was sent to 1963 because some idiot didn't finish the task and left one of the suitcases behind.

I didn't say a word as I approached his desk and sat at the chair facing him.

"You have made good progress these last few months," he started and I just kept staring at him. I suppose he was waiting for me to thank him, however, when no words left my mouth he cleared his throat and continued.

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