(Venus x Mercury) soft vanilla sex 😙

476 9 7

Requested by: Tourvenus

WARNINGS!!!: nighttime sex, nice-ish Venus

Ship: Venus x Mercury

Mercury smiles, its a small, soft little smile, but it's still a smile, Venus for once didn't punish him, he had gotten everything clean correctly, and Venus was.. nice about it!

"Y'know pipsqeak, you can actually do good shit, even when your that small. Like take my dick~" Venus teases, arms crossed and hes smirking

Mercury blushes "l-like.. actual sex this t-time..?" He asks, not wanting to get hurt again

"Yea! C'mon, pipsqeak" Venus grabs Mercurys arm a bit roughly but much more gentler than usual

Venus pulls Mercury to the bedroom, and Mercury sits down on the bed, and Venus starts pulling down his pants, and throws them at the wall. He does the same with his shirt, and boxers

Mercury also takes off his clothes, blushing and nervous as he slowly pulls off his pants, and pulls his shirt off over his head. He then stands up to take his boxers off, and he sets the clothing neatly on the floor beside the bed

"Pfft, really? You have ocd, pipsqeak, I'm sure of it" Venus teases again, and Mercury huffs, and just lays down on the bed

"Oh? Impatient, are we~?"

Venus doesn't give him time to respond, before he's jumping onto the bed and pinning Mercury onto it, on top of Mercury 

Mercury's full face flushes a bright red, and he does a goofy smile

"Your funny, pipsqeak" Venus says

"Are you sure no one will hear us..? It's nighttime after all.." Mercury suddenly asks

"Oh no one will hear, we're fine!" Venus then takes his hands off of Mercury, and grabs his own dick and presses it against Mercury's hole, making Mercury moan

Venus very slowly starts pushing in, and as he does, he kisses Mercury's cheek instead of biting it for once 

"Ahhg~ t-thanks..~" Mercury says

"For what??" Venus asks, not stopping slowly thrusting in Mercury 

"for being g-gentle for o-once...~" Mercury answers Venus, blushing a little bit less now

Venus chuckles, and kisses Mercury on the lips softly, and Mercury kisses back, as Venus goes only slightly faster

Mercury moans into Venus's mouth, and Venus blushes slightly for once, thinking..

'Mercury is kinda cute like this.. not being a baby for once..'

Venus puts a hand on Mercury's right cheek, cupping it as he softly bites on Mercury's bottom lip, asking for entrance

Mercury parts his lips slightly at that, and Venus slips his tounge into Mercurys mouth, and Mercurys tounge tangled with Venus's

They explored each others mouths, as Venus rolls his hips, making Mercury mewl, and start drooling slightly

Venus uses his thumb to wipe the drool off of Mercury's chin, and swipes it away on the bed, and continues kissing him

Venus then finally pulls away, and Mercury pants slightly, a bit out of breath

Venus smirks, and leans down to Mercurys neck without Mercury noticing, and he softly sucks on some skin on his neck, leaving a little hickey

Venus keeps attacking Mercurys mouth with small bites, kisses, and hickeys, and hasn't stopped slowly thrusting in Mercury yet

"Mnnhh~" Mercury moans, and closes his eyes, getting relaxed at the small but stimulating movements that Venus is making on him

Venus soon stops going at Mercurys mouth, and kisses his chest once before looking back up and Mercury

He slows down the thrusting even more, and eventually pulls out, making Mercury whine

"Oh shush, I bet you didn't even notice that you came all over my stomach" Venus grumbles

Mercury looks down, and sees a bit of white goopy cum on Venus's stomach, and his own dick is twitching

"woops.. sorry..?" Mercury apologized, and Venus huffs

"Whatever, I don't care, we need to go clean up now, I'm fucking tired, you pillow princess" 

Mercury scoffs, but nods. The two of them get up, and Venus suddenly picks Mercury up, bridal style

Mercury lets out a little yelp, and Venus snickers, and carries Mercury to the bathroom 

Venus sets Mercury down on the counter, and Mercury shivers, because the counter is cold

Venus turns to the bathtub, and starts filling it up with water

"I'm so tireddd..." Mercury whines

"Because it's nighttime, stupid"

"I know that.."


Hope that's good! I know I know, I'm bad at ending these, sorry!!

I'm also not very good at describing things, sowwy uwu- God that was cringe uhm don't read that :3

around 600 words, sorry it was a bit short 😅

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