(Gas giants foursome) dressing up 👗

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(Now they all are here!)


WARNINGS!!!: gentle sex, blindfolds, consenting, oral sex, orgasms, nighttime sex, cross dressing, fingering, possible aftercare 

Ship: top Jupiter x top Saturn x top/bottom Uranus x bottom Neptune

Saturn slams the front door open happily after he had finished his work and its now night, making his 3 boyfriends all flinch

"Neptuneee~!! I have a new outfit for youu~!" Saturn cheers, walking over to the couch and standing infront of Neptune, and he shoves the clothing into his lap

Neptune gives him a raised eyebrow with a confused smile, and he looks at the clothes

"A dress?" Neptune asks, holding up the bright blue dress with short puffy sleeves, and a small bow on the back, with a short puffy skirt

"Yep! Now why don't you go put it on~? And take your pants and boxers off too~" Saturn says in a soft and gentle but also somehow demanding voice

Neptune gulps, and nods. He gets up and goes to the bathroom to change

When Neptune closes the bathroom door and locks it, both Jupiter and Uranus look to Saturn

"Uhm, Saturn? Why are you making Neptune change into a dress?" Jupiter asks

Uranus nods "yea, and why ain't we gettin' none?" He adds on

"Oh my silly little Jupi~ and you." Saturn boops Uranus's nose, looking kinda disgusted

Uranus raises an eyebrow "wha..?"

Saturn then takes a bottle of lube out of his pocket, a big bottle of lube, that Jupiter and Uranus both don't know how it even fitted in Saturn's pocket

Jupiter also blushes as he sees it "oh boy.. Saturn, atleast ask Neptune for consent, will you?" 

Saturn sighs, and nods "you know me Jupi, I would never do it without permission!"

"You randomly fucked me when i was painting-" Uranus gets out, before Saturn shushes him by handing him a blindfold

"Shush. Now after Neptune gives consent, put that on Neptune, why dont you?"

"K..." Uranus holds the blindfold tightly in his hands, not wanting to disappoint Saturn

Saturn then sits down next to Jupiter, and the 3 of them wait for Neptune to finish changing into his dress

A few moments later, the bathroom door unlocks and Neptune steps out, in his dress, no pants or underwear on underneath it, like Saturn had asked

"Neptune dear, come here~!" Saturn gestures for Neptune to go over to the couch with a wave of his hand

Neptune goes over, blushing a bit, embarrassed 

"Now, Neptune, can you pleease give us consent to fuck you~?" Saturn asks bluntly, with a hint of flirt in his tone

Neptunes whole face blushes, and he stutters a bit as he speaks "w- wha- y- s-sure??"

"Thank you dear~!" Saturn says lovingly, and then kisses Neptune on the cheek as he leans forward 

Saturn then stands up, right infront of Neptune, and then starts taking all of his clothes off

Neptune and Jupiter both watch, blushing like crazy, as Uranus silently gets up and then quickly wraps the blindfold around Neptunes eyes

Neptune lets out a little yelp, and Saturn, who is now fully naked, chuckles, as he hears Neptunes adprable yelp

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