(Planet X × Uranus × Neptune) part 2 🎯

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Requested by: MariEspyAne

WARNINGS!!!: toys, orgasm control, bondage, ftm character, noncon, nighttime sex, rough sex, pregnant character 

Ship: top planet X × switch Neptune × bottom pregnant Uranus

It had been 3 months since X had first came in their house, and ever since then he's been living with the two

Uranus is also 3 months pregnant, and his stomach is slightly bulging out, so he's been wearing baggier clothing

It was currently night, X was fast asleep, Neptune and Uranus think atleast, and they had a plan to escape their own home

They both very slowly got off the bed they where supposed to be sleeping in with X, trying to not make the bed creak

They sneak out the room together and close the door just incase, and they don't see that X opens his eyes and sits up, growling quietly 

Neptune holds Uranus' hand, and quickly but quietly helps him towards the front door

Suddenly, there's a deep voice behind them

"Where do you two think your going~?"

Neptune and Uranus both gasp, and whip their heads around to look at X

X grabs Uranus harshly, and picks him up, making Uranus yelp

"X, w-we where just-!" Neptune tries to lie, but X shushes him by picking him up aswell

X forces them back to their bedroom, and throws Neptune onto the bed and gently lays Uranus down 

Neptune groans, dammit, their plan failed, they got caught..!

X sleeps naked, so he doesn't need to get himself undressed

He starts forcing Uranus' clothes off, and he throws them onto the floor and leaves Uranus shaking

X turns to Neptune, and grabs him, making Neptune gasp and freeze up, and X starts ripping Neptunes clothes off of him, and throwing his clothes onto the floor with Uranus'

"I'm sorry, X! Really!" Uranus yells, pretty much pleading to not be punished 

"Shh~" X just says, and goes to the nightstand and grabs a gag and dildo from a droor

He walks back over to the bed, and pushes Uranus back onto his back, making Uranus yelp softly

X wraps the ball gag around Uranus' mouth, forcing his mouth to stay open and be unable to speak

X grabs Neptunes arm, and yanks him over and kisses Neptune on the mouth

Neptune lets out a moan into the kiss, closing his eyes, and he leans into it accidentally 

X still has his eyes open, and he picks the dildo back up and starts pushing it into Neptunes rectum, that's already stretched out because of the sex they have everyday now

Neptune moans loudly into the kiss, his hips twitching as the dildo is inserted

X leaves the dildo alone in there, all the way to Neptunes prostate, and he pulls away from the kiss

Neptune pants heavily, a faint blush across his face

X moves Neptune to be infront of Uranus, who's also blushing after watching them kiss

X grabs Neptunes hips and forces them down, making his dick slip into Uranus' wet pussy

Both Neptune and Uranus moan, Uranus' moan being slightly muffled by the ball gag that's in his little mouth, and drool is around it

X lets go of Neptunes hips, letting him thrust on his own "come on now, you can do it~" he encourages Neptune, and it makes Neptune slowly start to thrust, making Uranus moan again

"Good boy~!" X praises, and kisses Neptunes forehead, and Neptune smiles embarrassedly

Neptune starts slamming into Uranus, making Uranus scream around the ball gag

"Be carefull with the baby, Neppy~" X reminds, and runs a hand over Uranus' stomach, caressing it

"o-ok~" Neptune gets out as he pants, still slamming in, wanting to be praised

"Mmnff~!!" Uranus moans around the gag, tears running down his soft flushed pale face

"Shh, the baby is ok, Uranie~" X comforts, still rubbing his stomach 

X grabs onto the end of the dildo that's in Neptune with his other hand and twists it

Neptune moans and bucks his hips forward, slamming hard into Uranus

Uranus screams, luckily its also muffled 

X rubs Uranus' sides, trying to sooth him as Neptune slams even harder, and harder, and harder

Uranus lets out another scream as he orgasms, his slick getting on the bed, his thighs, and Neptunes dick

Neptune grunts, and cums in Uranus when he sees him orgasm, because it makes him hornier 

X chuckles, and kisses Uranus' forehead, and then the same to Neptunes forehead 

Uranus lets out muffly gasps and mewls as Neptune gets back to thrusting

Suddenly, X lifts Uranus up slightly while making sure Neptune can still thrust in him, and he slips underneath Uranus

Neptune looks at X with his droopy tired eyes, confused

"It's ok Neppy, keep doing your thing~" X seductively says, and Neptune nods and speeds up again, making Uranus whimper

X gets himself positioned, he scooches doen slightly under Uranus, and presses his tip against Uranus' hole instead of his vagina

Uranus whimpers again, but unable to speak nor look at X, he can only let it happen, and hes too hyperfocused on the touch around him

X slowly pushes in, and starts thrusting, eventually making it to Neptunes speed

Uranus lets out a choked moan, as he orgasms once again, getting it over both their dicks this time

X reaches around and pats Nepunes butt as Neptune pants along with Uranus

Uranus is extremely overstimulated, and he orgasms again just just moment later

Uranus makes choked sounds, as Neptune pulls out, and collapses beside the two, totally passed out

X chuckles and rubs Neptunes sweaty forehead, they both are so cute~

X slows down his thrusting in Uranus, and Uranus' eyes are glazed over, unfocused, and they slowly slip shut

X smiles, he gently lifts Uranus up off of his dick and cums immediately after, letting out a grunt as he does

He sets the two back down in bed, and wipes them off with some baby wipes

X gently rubs Uranus' stomach, thinking 'he's so beautiful when stuffed up with my babies~'

X then lays in between the two, and holds them close

Uranus and Neptune unconsciously hold onto X, smiling in their sleep


I dont wanna go to school, but really, who does?

Around 950 words, sorry its shorter than the last one

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