(Uranus x Venus) sex toys 💌

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Requested by: Number1uravenshipper

WARNINGS!!: prepping, rough sex, both ftm characters, dildo straps, making out, sex toys, breast play

Ship: Uranus x Venus

Venus chuckles, one hand on his hip and the other over his mouth, to muffle his laughing, as he watches Uranus get so angry over untangling the cords 

"Bloody hell!! Why are they like this!? I swear, I had put them in neatly in little circles!" Uranus complains, he grabs out all of the cords, that are one big clump, out of the box they where in

Venus has to stop himself from full on cackling, and says "well it isn't that hard, your just being dramatic!"

"Have you seen this!?" Uranus yells, holding the clump up higher

The two of them had moved in to their new house yesterday, they moved out of their old apartment and got a small house in a city, and they had already unpacked f like food, bedding, and toiletries

Now they where just unpacking everything else, like the power cords and chargers for the tv to work, and for their phones to charge 

"Yeah, I have, I'm not blind, idiot. Give them here" Venus reaches his hand out, and Uranus shoves them into his hand, huffing

"Oh dont pout you big baby!" Venus then gets to work on untangling all the cords, and Uranus grumbles something and stands up

Uranus reaches down, grabbing the now empty box and walking to the basement

He goes down the stairs and sets the small box with the other empty boxes they have already gotten everything out of, they didn't want to just waste good boxes, so they are keeping them in the basement for now

Uranus then goes back upstairs again, and low and behold, Venus has already, somehow, gotten all of the chords untangled 

"How do you do that??" Uranus asks

"Eh, I just do. Maybe it's because I have better eyesight than you, cause of your tilted head" Venus says in a teasing tone

"Yeah right, your fully upside down!"

"But I can still see better than you~"

"Oh shut it you redhead." Uranus stomps away to another box, and opens it up

"well your a blue head" Venus says back

"What- that doesn't even exist!" Uranus looks back at Venus, not having looked inside of the box yet

"It does now~!" Venus says in a singing-like voice, and he places each of the chords on the coffee table they had placed in the middle of the living room

Uranus frowns, and looks to the box again and moves the white bean things out of the way, what where those things even called? Moving beans??

Uranus takes out what's inside, and he blushes, eyes widening and his grip tightens on the object

"I forgot we even had these" Uranus says, looking at all the sex toys in the box. There where butt plugs, dildo straps, vibrators, blindfolds, handcuffs, and more stuff he didn't even know the name of

Venus looks over, and walks up beside Uranus, and he blushes aswell when he sees everything

"We never even used any of these at the old apartment, we havent used these in like, years!" Venus says

"..so.. wanna use them now..~?" Uranus asks, and Venus bonks him on the back of the head

"No you idiot! We need to unpack everything first!" Venus yells

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