(All Gas Giants + Planet X) jealousy can take the best of us 🔊

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Requested by: Eshal6102

WARNINGS!!!: fivesome, punishment, fisting, blood, spanking, rough sex, teasing, overstimulation, crying 

Ship: top Jupiter x top Saturn x switch Uranus x switch Neptune x bottom Planet X

X sighs, as he looks at the rocky planets all play together at the park, laughing, having fun

X kinda wishes he was one of them, since the gas giants hate him, and the other ice giants don't remember him from back then

Suddenly, X feels someone poke his shoulder, and his head whips behind his shoulder

"Neptune!! You scared me..! Hey, are you alright?" X asks, standing up and moving to behind the bench

Neptune has tears in his eyes, and is sticking his bottom lip out, being pouty

"D-do you hate us!?" Neptune yells, the tears now running down his face

"W-what, no! I would never hate you..!" X says, and hugs the smaller, holding him against his body

"B-but you seem to like the Rockies more..!" Neptune whimpers, looking up at him sadly

"No no.. I love you much more than them, Nep.." X softly confesses

"But.. do you love Uranus..? And Saturn, and Jupiter?" Neptune sniffles, rubbing his eyes

"Well.. Uranus is fine, Neptune. Both of you haven't done anything wrong, but.. Jupiter and Saturn.." X mumbles

"What about us?" X hears Jupiter's booming voice behind him, and he slowly looks behind himself, kinda spooked

he sees Jupiter and Saturn standing there, Jupiter having his arms crossed, and Saturn's hands on his hips 

"U-uhm.." X gulps, and looks back at Neptune, then back to the gas giants

"Look, X. We regret the past.. but theres no use sticking to it, yeah?" Saturn says, and reaches a hand out and grips X's shoulder

"but, if you keep focusing on those damned rockies.. we might have to snap you out of it" Jupiter threatens

X nods quickly "y-yes, yeah I understand!" He says, not wanting to.. have to get snapped out of it

"I don't think you do.." Neptune whines from behind him, and then moves infront of him to Jupiter and Saturn, on their side

"No, really I do.." X says quietly, trying to calm down, but slightly scared of what they would do to him, or, will do to him

"Whats going on?" X hears Uranus ask, and he looks to the side and sees Uranus walking over

Jupiter also looks at Uranus

"X is paying too much attention to the rocky planets, and we're gonna punish him" Jupiter explains

"Wanna join in~?"Saturn asks, grabbing Uranus' wrist and pulling him closer 

Neptune hugs Uranus' side, giving him puppy eyes

"Uh, well, alright.."

"Good! X, get on your knees for us, baby~" Saturn demands to X, grabbing his shoulders and forcing him down onto his knees 

"H-hey wait! If your gonna do this.. can we atleast do this inside..?" X asks

"Hmm, well alright, I wouldn't want the 'oh so precious Rocky planets' to get traumatized.." Jupiter grumbles

Saturn suddenly picks X up, making him yelp as he's lifted up off of the ground and held in a bridal position

Saturn smirks, seeing X flustered like this "aww, getting embarrassed, baby~?" He teases

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