CH.3 - Party

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Gaege pov:

"Dude, hurry up!" Josh yells out to me as I shut my bedroom door

"Maybe if you stop yelling then I'd hurry up." I roll my eyes

"Is that what your wearing?" He tilts his head

"Uh, yeah? Why dose it look bad?"

"No, it's fine." He then opens the front door
"Let's go."

We walk out of our room and make our way to the staircase. I thought that Eddie and his roommate was the ones throwing the party but it turns out it's some random girl. I get nervous about going to her dorm, not because it's a girl's dorm but because what if it's Eddie's girlfriend or something? Then again, would he invite me to his girlfriends party? He did say that he didn't want to be alone. I shake the thought out of my head one we reach the dorm.

The door is wide open and it's full of people. There's loud music and LED lights changing colors going with the beat of the music. The room also reeks of weed. Josh rushes in, leaving me behind. I awkwardly walk into the crowded room, searching for Eddie. I make my way to the kitchen and grab a beer, opening it as I take a seat on the counter. There's so many people it'll take forever to find him. Once I grab my second drink of the night I hear someone calling my name. I look up and see Eddie standing in-between my legs. I start to blush as he puts his hands on the counter.

"When did you het here?"

"Like a few minutes ago." I take a sip from my beer

"You should have told me, I would have went looking for you sooner!" He smiles
"I only knew you were here because I saw Josh."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't think about texting you." I blush at the thought of him looking for me

"It's okay! Did you..did you want to go outside or something? It's really hot in here." He puts his hands on my knees

"Y-yeah." I blush as I throw my empty beer in the sink

As I hop of the counter he grabs two drinks and takes my hand so we don't get separated as we look for the door. Once we make it outside we sit down on one of the benches. He hands me a white claw and leans back on the bench.

"How have you been liking the party?" I ask, assuming he's been there for a while

"Ugh, I've just been on the couch trying not to talk to people."

"Why go to a party if your not going to have fun?" The way I said it came out more mean than intended

"Mully drags me there. He likes the girl and I just HAD to come meet her. Shes a total bitch by the way. She knows that mully likes her but still made out with like three guys in front of him." He takes a drink from his white claw

"Thats really lame. Who's Mully?"

"Oh, that's my roommate. He's a good guy just has bad taste I guess." He laughs

We sit in silence of a good bit until I feel something wet hit my shoulder. I look at the ground and see that it's starting to rain. We both look at each other and without talking agreed to head back inside. Once we get back to the party Josh instantly runs up to me and hands me a shot. I take the shot and give Josh the empty cup, he runs off.

"I shouldn't have done that." I shake my head at the taste of straight vodka

"Hey, I hate to be that guy but I think imma start heading back to my dorm."

"Oh, did you want me to walk you back?" I ask

"No, I think I can walk up the stairs in my own." He laughs before giving me a hug and walking out the door

"Oh, did Eddie leave?" Josh asks as he walks back up to me


"Man, that sucks. Do you want to hang with me then?" He smiles


We walk to the couch and sit down. We continue to drink and after a few hours the alcohol starts to get to me. The room is starting to spin and my head is pounding. I take that as my que to leave. I stumbled my way back home but before I even get to my dorm I see Eddie on his phone sitting outside of his dorm.

"Why aren't you in your dorm?" I ask I stumble my way to my door

"I forgot my key so I'm locked out." He sighs

"Do you want to stay in mi-ne then? I'll be home alone for a bit." I hiccup

"Sure." He gets up and walks over to me as I fumble my keys in the door

"How drunk are you?" He laughs


He takes the keys out of my hand and figures out which one will unlock the door. Once the door is open he leads me in and goes straight to my room. I flip in my bed as I hear him toss my keys in my bedside table. I sit up and see him awkwardly standing by the door.

"You can lay down, just take your shoes off if your going to get in my bed." I say as I take my own shoes off

He takes his shoes off then sit in bed next to me. I open my window and hear the rain fall causing me to zone out. After some time of silence I remember that Eddie's in my room. I look over at him and see that he's shivering.

"Are you cold?" I tilt my head as I scoot closer to him


"Here." I hand him the hoodie that he let me borrow
"I forgot to give it back to you."

He puts the hoodie on and I can feel myself frown. I never wore the hoodie other than the time that he let me borrow it but I'll still miss having it in my room. Is that weird, dose that make me sound like a crazy person? Shit, it definitely does.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, why?" I get taken out of my thoughts

"You were just staring at me." He blushes

God he's so cute when he's blushing

"S-sorry." I feel my face heat up

"God, you really are drunk." He giggles
"You should probably lay down. I know your going to have a killer hangover tomorrow." He then gets off of my bed

"Where are you going?" I watch him walk to the door

"I'll just wait for Mully to get back outside of my dorm so you can sleep."

"You can just stay here."

"I don't want to disturb you." He starts to open the door

"But I'll feel bad. You can leave when I go to bed but just stay here for now." I crawl into bed

"Fine." He smiles as he crawls into bed next to me

I blush like crazy when he gets closer to me. I've never blushed so much over one person. I start to feel my eyes get heavy before falling asleep.

Eddie's pov:

I roll over and see that Gaege has fallen asleep. I blush as how cute he looks. Fuck, what am I thinking. I shouldn't think that he looks cute. Not only dose that sound creepy but it also sounds gay and I'm not gay.

After some time I feel Gaege's arms wrap around my waist. I blush as he pulls me closer to him. God, what is he doing to me? I shouldn't let this happen. It's not like he's gay though, right? We're just two straight friends sharing a bed because I got locked out. yeah, that's sounds normal. I look around his room and it's honestly what I would expect from him. Some band posters, CDs, a CD player, and a guitar are the main things that draws my attention. I take one more scan around the room I notice a small rainbow flag laying on his desk. I smile, I don't know why but I do.

I start to ease into Gaege's touch and let him snuggle more into me. I take his hand in mine and fall asleep.

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