CH.7 - Stupid

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Gaege's pov:

"Okay, I did it." I sigh as I walk through my dorm

"What?" Josh asks as he peaks his head over the couch

"I asked Eddie to go to the party." I throw my jacket on the counter

"Took you long enough." He laughs
"When will you be asking him out?"

"Once I find out if he's gay." I take a seat on The couch next to him

"Dude, I'm 100% sure he's gay."

"How do you know?" I cross my arms

"Just the way he looks at you. I don't know how you dont see it."

"I guess..I just don't want to seem dumb." I admit
"Remember the last guy that I liked?"

"He was an asshole, Eddie isn't like him." Josh comforts me

"But how do you know? How do you know that Eddie isn't really homophobic? What if he-" Josh cuts me off

"How do you know that he doesn't like you back?" Josh turns so that hes now fully facing me
"You need to take this chance before someone else dose."

"I-i guess." I look down at my lap

"Ask him at the party. If everything goes to shit we can always leave." He gives me a comforting smile

"I'll try." I sigh as I stand up
"Imma go to bed."


~time skip bc I'm lazy~

It's been a few hours and Eddie is no where to be seen. I texted him a few times and I've got no response. I'm starting to think that he's not coming. It's not like he HAD to come it's just..I wish he would at least text me telling me if there was a change of plans.

I sigh as I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of spiked punch. Whoever made it must not have realized how much alcohol is in it because it's hella strong. Once I down my cup I instantly refill it.

"slow down on the punch." I hear Josh say as he walked closer to me

"Okay, dad." I roll my eyes

"I'm just saying,you don't want to be drunk when you ask Eddie out." He grabs a cup

"If he even shows up."

"It's an off campus party he probably just got lost." He reassures me

"I guess." I sigh as I start to pour myself another cup

"Maybe not-" Josh says as he takes the cup away from me

"You suck." I turn around to grab a beer from the fridge

"You'll thank me later~" he smiles as he walks away

It's been another hour and I'm sat outside drinking my beer. I'm pretty drunk and was planning on going home but I got a text from Eddie saying that he's almost here. Once I see him walk closer to me I try to act as sober as possible.

"Gaege!" He pulls me into a hug
"Sorry we're late."

"Oh, it's fine." I smile
"I didn't even notice that you weren't here." I try to play it cool

"Oh, here's my roommate Mully." He lets go of the hug making room for me and mully to shake hands
"I'm not sure if you guys have actually met yet."

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