CH.10 - Past

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Gaege pov:

I wake up with my head pounding. I don't even remember drinking that much last night.. I rub my eyes as I slowly get out of bed. I look over and smile as I see Eddie still sleeping. I walk over to my closet and smile as I see my normal clothes are back. I grab a hoodie and a pair of jeans before walking over to the bathroom. I take a quick shower before getting dressed. I have to wake Eddie up soon because we have class to go to. Just as I was about to walk to my room I hear Joshes door open.

"How was your date last night?" Josh asks as he walks to the kitchen

"It wasn't really a date." I shrug as I follow him

"Wasn't it just you two?"

"I mean, yeah." I sit down on top of the counter

"It's a date in my book." He shrugs

"I guess. Anyways, I'm surprised your up this early."

"Yeah, I decided to be a good student for once."

After a few minutes of us talking I feel something touch the sides of my waist. I look to my side and see Eddie resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Morning." I smile as I kiss his nose

"Morning." His voice is muffled as he hides in the crook of my neck

"Tired?" I ask

"Mhm~" he hums

"You can have some coffee, I just made it." Josh says as he slides a cup of coffee over to Eddie

Eddie leans over the counter and takes a sip.

"Imma go to my room and get my shoes so we can start going." I say as I slid myself off of the counter

Eddie's pov:

I smile asi watch Gaege walk to his room. Once he shuts his door I look at Josh, quickly noticing that he's staring at me

"Sooo, what did you think of his outfit last night?" Josh smiles

"Um." I start to blush as I think about what Josh basically forced him to wear

"You liked it, huh? Can't blame you, he used to wear those shorts all of the time to the bars."

"He didn't actually wear the outfit." I confess
"I let him change at my dorm."

"So you didn't like the outfit?" He raised a brow

"I-i didn't say that." I cover my mouth, trying to hide my blush

"Thought so." Josh laughs

"I know you said that Gaege used to wear that type of clothes all of the time but why did he stop? I'm not saying that he should wear that stuff all of the time but it's just so different from how he is now."

"At first he wore those outfits to get free drinks at the bar. Being a poor college student will make you do anything fore something free I guess. He also liked the attention, he liked all of the guys hitting on him and complementing how good he looked. Once people started calling him a slut he really played into that role. As long as the guy bought him enough drinks to get him drunk he'd honestly do anything." Josh shakes his head as he remembers what Gaege used to be like
"At some point people would just straight up harras him.. people would even try attacking him if he was alone. It took a few months of convincing for him to stop dressing like that. I think deep down he hated wearing revealing clothes but he kept doing it because it's what people expected. During summer break he started to dress like he does now. Once this school year started some people didn't even recognize him. People only knew him for his body and nothing else." He admits
"He kept all of the clothes though, I don't completely know why but he did." Josh shrugs
"Now I like to haunt him with it. It's been long enough where he knows I'm doing it as a joke and if anything actually bad happens to him I'd stop doing it to him."

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