CH.5 - did it mean anything?

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Grant pov:

I sit at the library and take all of the stuff needed for our project out on the table. I wait a few minutes before I start working on the project myself. Eddie told me to meet him here at 2. I look at my phone and see the time reads 2:15. As I work on the project, thinking that Eddie's not going to show up, he rushes through the library door.

"Sorry I'm late." He pants as he sits down

"It's fine." I smile
"I was starting to think that you weren't going to show up."

"Yeah, I was at Gaege's dorm making him some soup to help him feel better."

"Oh!" I say surprised that he hangs out with Gaege outside of class

I mean, I know that they live on the same floor but normally Gaege tells me everything. I guess they got pretty close.

"Mhm, I also had to force him to take cough syrup." Eddie rolles his eyes as he opens his laptop

"Yeah, I think he'd rather get pushed off a cliff than drink the stuff." I laugh

"I got him to take it though." He smiles

"Really‽" My eyes go wide

"I kinda just put the medicine in my mouth and spit it back in his." He shrugs


"I put the medicine in my mouth but I didn't swallow it. Then I brought his face to mine." He cups my face with his hands and pulls it closer to his
"Then I spit the medicine in his." He then lets go of my face and goes back to looking at his laptop

"So you kissed him?"

"Umm" he looks up from his laptop
"I guess?" He shrugs

I stare at him dumbfounded. How does he not care? I know that Gaege has to be freaking out right now.

"And you think that's normal?" I tilt my head

"I guess not but it worked."

"So the kiss meant nothing to you?" I furrow my brows

"It was barely a kiss. And I guess it didn't."

"Okay." I roll my eyes

"Why, should it have ment something?" He looks me in the eyes
"I'm starting to feel like this is a big deal."

"Uh, yeah!" I throw my hands in the air
"You fucking kissed Gaege."

"Oh my God, I kissed him." He puts his hands to his lips
"It doesn't have to mean anything though."

"I guess not but hes definitely going to ask you about it."

Eddie's pov:

He's going to ask me about it? Fuck, what am I going to say? I mean, I'm not gay..I don't think i am. But that doesn't prove anything because why would a straight guy kiss his friend? Why am I getting so worked up over this? Imma just tell him that it wasn't even a kiss and I did it only so he would take his cough medicine because that's the truth. I thought nothing of it.

About an hour has passed and I remembered that I had to go to my next class. I said bye to Grant before leaving the library and walking to class. The ground is still wet from yesterday, the smell of rain still filling the air. Once I get to class I take out my laptop so I can take notes.

The professor is really boring and I found more interest in looking at the trees outside. I also git distracted by my own thoughts. What do I tell Gaege? The more I think about it more I admit to myself that I kissed him and it meant something. I guess I never noticed how much I've wanted to kiss him. I mean, I've never been attracted to guy before. Ive only ever likes women but here I am blushing at the fact that I kissed Gaege. I get taken out of my thoughts by the sound of people walking past me. I guess class is over. I pack my bag but before I'm able to leave the professor hands me something.

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